Episode 1 Artificial intelligence: 3 star
Episode 2 Biotech: 4 star
Episode 3 Nano Tech: 5 star!

You would love this documentary if you like to think as a futurist.
Let me skip the artificial intelligence part, because ever since Issac Asimov's sci-fi novels, robots are sth rather familiar to us. Guess that's why the first episode was just not that exciting.

About bio tech, we all heard of the "Human Genome Project": identify the DNA. For example, 50 cancer types, each has about 250 kinds of gene combinations that could cause tumor, which means we need to understand 50x250 = 12500 kinds of genome effect. In the past 12500 times of project could take years after years. But who could predict the power and influence of computer technology?!
Prolonging human's lifespan is a never-ending discussion, as supposedly that number could be infinity. But do we really want to live forever? Do we have enough resource to sustain that? Wouldn't the world explode? I simply cannot picture that. Even if bio technology succeeds, it would probably be both socially and morally controversial.

Here comes my favorite part: Nano technology. Honestly my knowledge about nano tech was really limited before watching the BBC episode. It's interesting to open it up with superconductor, carbon nano tube...
This extends to the discussion around energy. There are three types of energy in the universe: planet, star, and galaxy. However for human, we are surviving on type 0 energy, meaning fuels converting from dead animals etc. As population exponentially increases, it's becoming ever more important to acquire self-sustaining fusion energy. If we don't think long enough, we'd be back to face the situation like pre-human kind age.
What's exciting about nano technology is that we create matters, we become master of matters.
Nano = invisibly tiny. There's the idea of nano robot which could potentially generate unlimited energy; there's also the opposite warning about "Grey Goo", implying those nano robots literally eat everything so that everything in the world becomes grey goooooo. Scary, no? The rise of the planet of nano robots!

Up to now, we have accomplished the step from the physical world to digital world. But the future will surround the impact of digital world on the physical world by reprogramming everything in reality.
Personal fabrication, teleportation, reaching out to the universe...

Nothing is impossible with the synergy between quantum, computer and bio technologies. Unimaginable happenings, yet here're our clear visions of the future.

未来景象Visions of the Future(2007)

又名:预见未来 / BBC:未来景象

主演:Michio Kaku

导演:编剧:Michio Kaku