
然后自己又去搜了一些他的单口,比如Caliguila,但看过以后觉得有点乏味了,他的风格是pure jokes,段子之间没有任何联系,很少有他自己的经历在里面,让听惯了Louis的我一时觉得很不适应,而且真的很贱,有的段子甚至让人觉得有点残酷。观众席里尖叫的似乎妹子居多,没办法,他人长得真的好帅啊。

直到这部Thoughts and Prayers,改变了我对他的看法。


This is who I am making fun of on the day of the tragedy. The people who see horrible things happened in the world, and ran to the Internet, and ran to their social media, Facebook or twitter whatever they got, and they'd all write down the exact same thing: My thoughts and prayers. My thoughts and prayers with the people in Aurora. My thoughts and prayers with the families in Boston.

Do you know how much that worth? Fucking nothing! Fucking less than nothing.

You are not giving any of your time, your money or your compassion. All you were doing was saying: Don't forget about me today. Lots of crazies and distractions in the news right now but don't forget about how sads I am.

These people are worthless and they need to be made fun of.

记得当时看的时候,正值巴黎恐怖袭击,facebook上,微信上好多好友把自己的头像换成了巴黎铁塔,个性签名改成了:Pray for Paris.

折寿孽:我思我祷Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts and Prayers(2015)


主演:安东尼·杰塞林克 Anthony Jeselnik
