I love strawberries. They only grow in warm weather. But soon, in a few months, it will be winter, and America will still have strawberries. Do you know how? Egypt, your home, was a land of kings. Art, innovation, science. But now...now it is weak. Now it owes money to men in suits. To pay them back, Egypt turned their wheat fields into strawberry fields. So every year, Egypt grows thousands of strawberries. But they are not for Egyptians. People need wheat for bread. Do you see what I mean, Ramy? They have less bread so Americans can have strawberries in December. America was my friend. Then they turned their back on me. You know what that's like, don't you? You're just like me. The world is dying at the hands of America, and the people here feel nothing. They're men in suits who only care about their strawberries. I gave them a gift. I let them feel something, to taste the blood we taste every day.

But what about Angela's mom? My friend Angela. Her mom died.

‐ Look. If she was in Building 7, I had nothing to do with that.

- But it's not fair. They were just working. They didn't know about all that...

- What about Fatima's mom? And Khalid's mom? And thousands of moms that have died in the Middle East? We must restore the balance, even if it means killing Angela's mom.

- No. I'm not like you. Cause I don't want to kill people.

E05: He's more like my roommate at this point, basically. That's what he is. He rolls in whenever he wants, expects me to hand over half my paycheck, expects me to raise Ali single‐handedly...Sometimes...I really wish he was like an old‐school misogynist, ya know? Just expect a hot meal at the end of the day, clean house, good kid...Nowadays, guys expect you to work on top of everything else.


I feel like the problem's really that, I just don't know what kind of Muslim I am. Like, there's Friday prayers and then there's Friday night, and‐‐and‐‐and I'm, like, at both, you know, like, I wanna pray, I wanna go to the party, and I'm breaking some rules, I'm following others, and I thought coming here would give me some clarity and‐‐and help me figure it out, just being in this country, seeing Grandpa.