ps. 本人整理了一份全片的解说词:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rFb1RR7Ja6eobulMxxBQbw 密码:vqlj
I. New Blood
massive marine reptiles harvest the rich oceans:harvest 理应作“收获”解,以reptiles 作主语,oceans 为宾语,实是仅见之结构,而句义依然可解,岂能不令人赞叹之至。
The Triassic has already seen many different varieties of ancient reptiles come and go:凡涉“兴衰荣辱”之表达必用的范本。
The age of dinosaurs has dawned:作动词的dawn,可以替换start、begin等“低级词汇”。表达“一个新时期到来”等意思时可以直接挪用。
II. Time of the Titans
Morning light reveals the bodies of the forest-dwelling dinosaurs that have perished in the flames:无灵主语。每次灾难后,此片有精彩的解说。
III. Cruel Sea
combing the beaches for dead animals:comb beach 的表达很形象。
The storm has had its victims:灾难后镜头给到受害者时又一精彩表达。
It was not just these delicate-boned Rhamphorhynchus that were broken:break 一词真的是形象到了极点,尤其呼应了前面的delicate-boned。
IV. Giant of the Skies
biding their time:bide one's time=等待时机。据《牛津高阶》,是较古的用法,因此也是炫技的好词组。
V. Spirits of the Ice Forest
his legs have trouble dragging his bulk around:leg 一般是“support”身体的,而这里用drag 一词,更显笨重之感。仅易一词,画面大异。
As spring takes hold and the days grow longer, a forest bursts into life:spring takes hold大约是“春回大地”最好的翻译;burst into life也是“生机盎然”的极好译法。
As the clan melt into the undergrowth:用melt 而不用escape,画面感更强。
see off this egg thief:see sb. off 表驱赶某人,据《牛津高阶》,仅见于英式英语。
the world's climate will spell doom for these lush Antarctic forests:spell 作“招致”讲。此用法并不常见,可炫技。
VI. Death of a Dynasty
his head just clears the gas layer:clear一词极佳。
The chicks stand expectantly by the colossal corpse of their mother:一个expectantly 省掉了多少废话。善用副词很重要。
Walking with Dinosaurs可谓是BBC拍的最好看的有关恐龙的纪录片。之所以说它“好看”,是因为:
第二,不像Planet Dinosaur,这部片子没有任何“考据”的味道,每一集都一气呵成,看起来酣畅淋漓。

第三,这部片子制作了模型,看起来更加真实,而Planet Dinosaur里血液四溅的画面实在血腥又虚假。
诚然,这部片子有一些硬伤,剧情上也有可以推敲之处,从以上两方面来说,当然是Planet Dinosaur更胜一筹;但是,整部片子恢弘的史诗感,庄重的解说词,雄壮而略带哀情的配乐以及故事化的取向,为我们这些非专业人士带来了绝对的视觉盛宴。我们这一批从Walking with Dinosaurs开始了解恐龙的人,对之始终有一种“初恋情结”。即使是那条广为诟病的25米长、150吨重的滑齿龙,在童年的我们的心中,留下了多么深刻的印象(至少我个人至今但凡看到“滑齿龙”三字,第一个跳出来的形象永远是一条黑白相间的、百余吨的庞然大物)。我想,对于我们这些业余恐龙爱好者而言,了解某一场景背后的理据实在有些无聊(至少于我而言如此)。我们想看到的,不过是这部片子开篇所说的:“H[h]ow these magnificent creatures live: how they eat, fight, and reproduce. And you'll witness how the forces of nature conspire to drive these animals to extinction.”
pps. 感谢b站up主FeStrong0805上传的资源!本文及分享的文档中录出的解说词基本上是照搬原字幕的,再次深表谢意!全集观看地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3704821/

与恐龙同行Walking with Dinosaurs(1999)


主演:肯尼斯·布莱纳 Kenneth Branagh/埃弗里·布鲁克斯 Avery Brooks

导演:Tim Haines/Jasper James