

Ep1 Sugar (糖的真相)




【简介】Journalist Fiona Phillips tries to find the truth about the sugar we consume with the help of four volunteers.

Ep2 Calories (卡路里的真相)




【简介】Dr Chris van Tulleken takes 9 randomly selected foods to the lab to see if the calories in them match those stated on the packaging and sets 3 families in Glasgow a challenge as he examines calories.

Ep3 Fat (脂肪的真相)




【简介】Dr Saleyha Ahsan cuts through the confusion and reveals the surprising science of fat. Fat has a reputation as being public health enemy number one but the truth is a little more nuanced.

Ep4 Your Medicine Cabinet (日常药的真相)




【简介】Dr Chris van Tulleken examines some of the most common medicines found in the home. How much do we really know about what we are buying?

Ep5 Your Teeth - Part 1 (牙齿的真相 - 上)


【简介】The BBC teams up with some of Britain's top dentists to show how the latest science can change how we look after our teeth.

Ep6 Your Teeth - Part 2 (牙齿的真相 - 下)


【简介】Dr Chris van Tulleken continues his investigation to find the latest scientific discoveries that can change how we look after our teeth.

Ep7 Dementia (痴呆的真相)




【简介】Angela Rippon investigates the disease that took her mother's life and is now starting to affect her friends. She undertakes a series of tests to determine if she herself has any of the early signs of dementia.

Ep8 Alcohol (酒的真相)


【简介】A&E doctor Javid Abdelmoneim is on a mission to find out the truth about alcohol, including why the government cut the recommended weekly limit for men by a third in January.

Ep9 Healthy Eating (健康饮食的真相)



【简介】Fiona Phillips teams up with some of the UK's leading scientists to discover how we can eat and drink to good health - and finds some surprising truths about healthy eating.

Ep10 Meat (肉类的真相)




【简介】Chris Bavin, a greengrocer by trade and "carnivore" by nature, investigates if we can, and should, keep meat in our diet and stay healthy.

Ep11 Stress (压力的真相)


【简介】Presenter Fiona Phillips investigates what happens when we get stressed and what we can do about it.

Ep12 Sleep (睡眠的真相)


【简介】Britain is one of the most sleep-deprived nations on earth. Michael Mosley discovers what happens when we don't get enough sleep and at some surprising solutions to his own insomnia.

Ep13 HIV (艾滋病的真相)


【简介】Dr Chris van Tulleken explores the latest scientific advances into the HIV virus. He also meets with Elton John to talk about the initial stigma against gay men as a result of misinformation 30 years ago.

Ep14 Looking Good (美容的真相)



【简介】英国每年美容产品的产值超过90亿英镑,广告自称可以使用户脱胎换骨。Cherry Healey调查美容产品宣称效果的科学根据,以及市场被操控的程度。

Ep15 Getting Fit (健身的真相)





Ep16 Obesity (肥胖的真相)




Ep17 Carbs (碳水化合物的真相)





Ep18 The Menopause (更年期的真相)



Ep19 Antibiotics (抗生素的真相)



【简介】Angela Rippon looks at new ways that scientists are fighting bacterial infections, as they combat antibiotic resistance. She hears of the latest scientific breakthroughs, meets a GP on the front line and finds out how we can all help.

Ep20 Takeaways (外卖的真相)





Ep21 Cosmetic Treatments - Part 1 (美容护理的真相 - 上)



【简介】Presenters Michael Mosley and Mehreen Baig test the claims of a variety of treatments - from a device that says it can lift and tone the bottom using electrical currents, to a weight loss procedure that uses infrared light.

Ep22 Cosmetic Treatments - Part 2 (美容护理的真相 - 下)


【简介】Presenters Michael Mosley and Mehreen Baig explore the brave new world of cosmetic enhancement. The first program looks at the latest cosmetic treatment trends for the face.

Ep23 Boosting Your Immune System (增强免疫力的真相)


Ep24 Getting Fit at Home (在家健身的真相)


Ep25 Improving Your Mental Health (改善心理健康的真相)


The Truth About...(2015)

