' Shakespeare has just invented a new type of play called a comedy. Some of Shakespeare’s most successful plays are comedies. Critics say his comedies aren’t very funny, but to be fair that’s only because jokes hadn’t been invented back then. Of course, if you go to watch a Shakespeare comedy today, you’ll hear the audience laughing as though there are jokes in it, even though there definitely aren’t. That’s how clever Shakespeare is.'
See? Manner Matter,
(Notes: A stands for Philomena Cunk and B stands for Paul Taylor.)
' A: So, before I touch it, I need to put on special white gloves.
B: Well, we don’t actually need to wear white gloves, Philomena. The advice we have and the best practice we follow is not wear gloves, because you lose the sensitivity in your fingers and you’re more likely to damage the book by wearing gloves than not.
A: Well, they’re here now.
B: If you’ve got clean hands, take the gloves off, we don’t need them at all.
A: Well, I’ve brought them, so...
B: It’s very good of you to bring them, but we don’t need them and we can’t let you turn the pages of the book if you’ve got them on.
A: Simon Schma gets to wear gloves.
B: Well, he doesn’t wear them here.
A: Why not?
B: Because when we’re handling books and documents we don’t need to wear gloves at all.
A: Are these plays like computer code and the actors like characters in a computer game?
B: I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. These words are the lines so they’re telling the actors what they need to say and then you’ll find stage directions telling them what to do. So, in a way, they’re like a set of institutions.
A: So, in a way, Shakespeare invented computer games?
B: I don’t think he’d have seen it like that and that’s not quite the case with what it is, but you can make a comparison or an analogy between the two.
A: So, he invented computer games.
B: No, not really, no.
A: That’s amazing.'
though it not always lead to a good result.

扯蛋莎翁史Cunk on Shakespeare(2016)


主演:戴安·摩根 Diane Morgan

导演:Lorry Powles编剧:查理·布鲁克 Charlie Brooker/Jason Hazeley/Joel Morris