The Emerald Forest
1. Every society needs to find the balance with one and another. It has to, or it will just die.
2. Every technology break through comes at a price. Destruction, pain or horror.
3. You can’t avoid the unavoidable, you are the past and you can’t stop your children choosing the future. They sometimes just grow out of you.
4. Humans have always been use as commodities throughout time. Every gender, every race, every age group…
5. Interesting how a child interprets, handles and digests a harsh change in reality. Daddee lives in his dream are from the Termite people in the Dead World, Father lives with him in the center of the world.
6. Another great example how female is use as the tool for plot advancement, another damsels that need to be rescued. I just wanna say that I’m not a sitting duck LOL.
7. It’s never enough just to prey or having rituals in the hope of a higher being will answer and advance your wish. You want something done, do it yourself.
8. The boy finds the way and returns home, just like a lost dog IRL 233
9. Using the guns is somehow “not fierce”.
10. Interesting how the women rip off the clothes and feel liberated. They are disgusted by the idea of wearing clothes (but mostly because who gave them the clothes), but the director put extra leaves to cover their body parts and make the girls look holy like Eve.
11. The ending of the movie gives us hope, and it should be. But reality doesn’t work this way.
12. Funny the production team think that they should clean up one’s act and add “There is only you, Kachiri.”
13. “I see, she looks after lost children, and maybe someone, somewhere looks after her lost boy.”
14. “No, it's not knowing that is so hard, you know.” “There are times when you almost wish he were dead? So you can stop all the searching, and at least get some peace of mind.”
15. “You would miss these trips if you found your boy, huh?”
16. “When a dream becomes flesh, trouble is not far behind.”
17. “Do it right.” He doesn’t have the heart. So cute~
18. “The fire will set free their souls to the stars.
And what is left of the dead must be crushed. Crushed into dust.
In here is the dust of those who went before us, even the First Man and First Woman.
Now drink in the memory of what we have been and the lives of those who went before us will live inside us.”
19. “They are taking the skin off The World. How will she breathe?”

Fun fact:
1. When the boy mentions anaconda, all I can think of is to thank Nicki Minaj for enlightening me the meaning of this word. 233
2. I don’t think women in this film have more than 100 lines. Hard to find jobs with the right payroll… LOL

翡翠森林The Emerald Forest(1985)



主演:鲍沃斯·布斯 Powers Boothe/梅格·福斯特 Meg Foster

导演:约翰·保曼 John Boorman编剧:罗斯伯·帕伦伯格 Rospo Pallenberg