My Eden吾之尹甸
There’s a stone for the things forgotten.凡世种种皆遗忘,唯有一石需记取.
Just a stone for all you wanted.彼之所愿,仅有一石.
Look,a stone for what will not be:观之于此,镌刻来日.
All you thought was there.所记所念,皆在此石.
Count the stones don’t think about him.细数石数,弗思其人.
Let the stones become your mountain.化之尔重山壁垒.
Let them go the nights you doubted:趋之汝忧忡深夜.
All those thousand cares繁数之惦念,
Softly now thread 如丝缕般穿城过镜
Through the towns and the dark.
Softly be led 与星云轻相偎依.
By the clouds and the stars.
When the distances grow,路漫漫兮,
When the winds start to blow,风欲起兮,
Something whispers from afar.轻声细语,远处喃呢.
There’s a home in the heart 有家安于心,
Another heaven 有家远苍穹
There’s a time for everything,有时为隽永,
There’s a song for every dream有曲为美梦.
(There’s a song)(彼有一曲如斯)
There’s a stone for every action,以磐石记刻,
For the things you won’t look back on.弗念之过往.
Look,a stone for all that will be:观乎.历此种种,
All that still is me.斯人伊在.
Softly now thread仿若轻丝细缕,
Through the sounds of the dark 穿过夜之徽音.
Softly be led仿若轻丝细缕,
By the clouds and the stars.与星云轻相偎依.
When the distances grow,路漫漫兮,
When the winds start to blow,风欲起兮,
Something whispers from afar:轻声细语,远处喃呢.
There’s a home in the heart有家安于心,
Another heaven有家远苍穹.
There’s a time for everything,有时为隽永,
There’s a song for every dream.有曲为美梦.
There’s a world that’s yet to bevideo 有景需记取.

九家之书구가의 서(2013)

又名:旧家义书 / 旧家医书 / Gu Family Book / Kang Chi, the Beginning

主演:李昇基 / 裴秀智 / 柳演锡 / 李沇熹 / 崔振赫 / 郑慧英 / 

导演:申宇哲 / 金政贤 / 编剧:姜银庆 Eun-kyung Kang
