1. People with turbulent lives who spend their time on the phone are sexual freelancers.

2. They aren’t jobs that fit any criteria of social justice. It’s like cinema. Lots of boys and girls want to do it, but very few can make it, sadly. Nicole Kidmans are thin on the ground. To do this job, you must be able to accept injustice. Same goes for fashion. There are other careers. You can work for social security, get promoted, work behind the counter…It’s a safe bet. If you want social justice, be a civil servant. Fashion is ephemeral, dangerous, and unfair.

3. Q: Were you a dreamer?

Dreamer? Not the word. I had a vision of what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to do it. An idea, a vision, for which I was prepared to make any sacrifice but not any compromise. I was born determined.

4. Everything is taken lightly, there is nothing to worry about. It’s a good attitude to have in life. Deep down, she may have been anxious and very serious, but she had always exuded frivolity, not taking anything seriously, impervious to circumstances, no bird of ill omen or anything.

5. But I hate hard workers. Things must be appear to be casual. You have to serious, but don’t flaunt it. Like being politically correct, be so but don’t go on about it.

6. Success nullifies. You have to do it again, only better. Preferably differently. If you want to be nostalgia, go ahead, stick with you successfulness, that’s fine. But it’s not my mentality, it’s the one I hate. People talk of the good old days. Old perhaps, but not all that good. Who cares? Plus it makes present something secondhand. If things used to be better, you may as well give up. Why bother if it’s worse? It has to be different. You have to adapt to changing times. It’s not “Elegance isn’t what is was”, notions, concepts, and visions change. If you stick to something doggedly, you are off to a bad start.

7. I hated the idea of bourgeios marriages. I’m against it. What was needed was something new, a new way of living. Marriage as we know it was created by the Church for reproduction. So let’s invent something new, not ape to the despised bourgeoisie. You can also try to piss off the bourgeoisie by forcing them to accept something unacceptable, whatever the format.

8. I’m not interested in the reality of people, people aren’t accountable to me, I only see what I want to see. I don’t go any further, it’s usually to their advantages. It’s better to benevolently skim over than try to get involved in things that have nothing to do with me.

9. As mother has always said, I live wherever I am. I don’t like the notion of living somewhere. I have no roots. I’m transportable, I’m transformable, whatever. I don’t have roots, that’s all bullshit. I just want is to stand on my own two feet, which means not having roots.
I don’t think that time is short. But you could fell down the stairs, bust yourself up, you might get murdered…Who knows? I’m not self-important enough to shout about it. So it doesn’t bother me. There are people I’d hate to lose. For myself, since it means cancelling out all emotionalism and since I don’t believe in rebirth or resurrection, etc, it doesn’t really matter. I don’t what existed before I was born. Then it’s over. Maybe passing away is awaking from the dream of life. Don’t dramatize you body, there are billions of people live on earth, you cannot shout about every single one. Billions of people died before us, who didn’t know our religions, who are condemned to hell before they didn’t know the word, that’s just bad literature. We are here, then we’re gone. You are admired by people, then they forget you.

10. Q: Who really knows you, Or does nobody know you like you know yourself?

It’s a difficult for me to answer. I’ve moulded people’ idea about me so much that I think it’s almost impossible. I want it to be impossible, even for the ones I love deeply. I don’t want to be real in other people’s lives. I want to be an apparition, I appear, then disappear. I don’t want to have reality in anyone’s life because I don’t want it in mine. That’s the secret of it all.
Don’t start with clichés of loneliness and all that. For people like me, solicitude is a victory, it’s a battle.

时尚大帝Lagerfeld Confidential(2007)

又名:美丽神话:香奈儿传奇 / 拉格菲尔德的秘密


主演:Nicole Kidman/Karl Lagerfeld/Princess Caroline of Monaco

导演:Rodolphe Marconi
