Fran,Fran.I hope that I may tell you everything,that I have always loved you.
And meeting you now!
You can't imagine how good I felt when I saw you coming down the stairs.When I saw your smile and heard you comment about Miereveld,you said godfried with pleasure,not as restless as Miereveld.How did you know so quickly,so clearly what was hidden deep in my soul and what I myself am so afraid of.
Do you know how beautiful you are,Fran?Your beauty is a miracle.That has a physical beginning.But that doesn't reside in a particular place in your body.Spirituality,it is far-reaching,infinitely far-reaching.Now you can no longer misunderstand me,Fran.
To me,you are beauty incarnate.Let me bathe in your golden light for a short while.
I'm a court clerk,like hundreds of others.My wife,Corra,is a courageous,examplary woman.And I have two wonderful clever children,Does and Cathy.They still don't understand what a failure their father is.
D'you know,Fran,this afternoon I experienced something awful.Forgive me for talking about it before dinner,about that awful autopsy,but I can't get it out of my head.I will never forget it.And yet,without that I would never have met you.That horror contained beauty.Beauty itself is horror.Because it is so overwhelming that it threatens to destroy us.
You see,Fran,I believe in angelic powers.But when they actually appear before me,I am so disconcerted I chase them away,turn them against myself.For six months I was completely happy.Your last months at school,Fran.You were there,beauty incarnate,an angel.I saw you,I know you,but I didn't recognize you.And when you were gone,that meant the end for me.Why couldn't I say anything,Fran?Do you understand?Why aren't I on my knees?All that weighs me down,Fran.I'm so tired.I'd like to sleep forever.I've done my best.I've done everything humanity possible.

I know,Govert.I do understand you.I did feel how important it was to you and you didn't say anything.That time was so beautiful,for both of us.But why didn't you say anything,Govert?Govert,I couldn't take the first step.That relationship between us could have been unique.I loved you and I expected everything from you.Happiness within our reach,perfect,too perfect.It seems that that's possible too.And now I may experience it.I loved you,Govert,even though you didn't know,Govert.I'm so happy,I still can't believe that such perfect love could exist.That it exists.I've waited for you for a long time,Govert,so long.So very long,Govert.I'm sure you were never selfish.
Beauty is always accompanied by goodness.I've known men:greedy,egocentric,often selfish.Beauty is different.There you are.And it's best like that.

短发男人De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen(1965)

又名:光头佬 / The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short


主演:Senne Rouffaer/Beata Tyszkiewicz/Hector Camerlynck

导演:André Delvaux编剧:Anna De Pagter
