You do something to me, something deep inside
I'm hanging on the wire for a love I'll never find
You do something wonderful then chase it all away
Mixing my emotions that throws me back again
Hanging on the wire, I'm waiting for the change
I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame
an' feel real again

You do something to me somewhere deep inside
I'm hoping to get close to a peace I cannot find

Dancing through the fire just to catch a flame
Just to get close to, just close enough
To tell you that.....

You do something to me something deep inside.

生活的无力感,愈逃避愈盛,眼睁睁看自己无能为力,一切快乐不复从前。挣扎在变化边缘,等待和守候一样奢侈,一场车祸,随时间recovery的不仅是身体,还有曾经以为已然丢失了的爱情。看David Tennant哭得像个孩子,心底便化开一片似水柔情。



主演:大卫·田纳特 / 莎拉·帕里什 / 哈里·崔德威 / 

导演:安迪·德爱蒙伊 /