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Kai Salminen & Zsuzsa Böszörmenyi/Media Alert/芬兰/52min/英语和匈牙利语, 中英文字幕

The Last Bus Stop

Imagine a village somewhere deep in Eastern Europe. For more than a
century, its nationality has changed in a season-like cadenza: first
it belonged to the Hapsburg Empire, then to Czechoslovakia, next to
Hungary, then to the Soviet Union. In recent years, things have grown
even more complex. At the end of World War II, the Russians
established a border that divided the village of Szelmenc (population
1,100) over two separate countries. Families on one side live in
Slovakia, which is now a member of the European Union. On the other
side, their relatives suffer from the unstable political and economic
circumstances in Ukraine. One solution would be to build a
border-crossing, to reunite families after 60 years and to generate
some economic structure. The film starts with the trip that the mayors
of Little Szelmenc and Great Szelmenc made to Washington in 2004,
where they urged the necessity of constructing a border-crossing at
the congressional Human Rights Caucus. Two years later, it was built –
but who is actually benefiting from it?

Kai Salminen & Zsuzsa Böszörmenyi/Media Alert/Finland/52min/English
and Hungarian dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles

放逐 – 与现实无关


Erlend Eidsem Hanssen/Mediamente/挪威/2009/48分钟/DigiBeta/挪威语, 中英文字幕

Exile – Never Mind Reality

Exile – Never Mind Reality depicts a growing phenomenon: young people
developing an obsession with online gaming (MMORPG). Emil (34) from
Oslo; Daniel (16), Morten (14) and Rasmus (15) from Lillehammer are
all completely hooked. This has had serious consequences for them and
has led to them dropping school, friends or jobs. At the same time,
gaming is fun and gives them a sense of mastery.

Erlend Eidsem Hanssen/Mediamente/Norway/2009/48min/DigiBeta/Norwegian
dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles



Are Syvertsen, Jon Martin Førland/Incakola
Productions/挪威/2007/73分钟/35毫米/挪威语, 中英文字幕

Pining for the Fjords

Did you know that Norwegian food is the purest and best in the whole
world? Pining for the fjords is a political Molotov cocktail against
the mythmaking of the powerful cooperatives in Norwegian food
industry. They sell an image of small-scale, non-industrial, farming
families – far from what’s actually taking place. Without any respect
and with a sarcastic laugh, the film shows the enormous gap between
what’s said and what’s done. Embarrassing answers and hesitations,
lies and candid camera – you get it all. “Pining for the fjords”
compiles images of the Norwegian Queen in picturesque fjords with
Brazilian rainforests burned to feed Norwegian pigs with soy beans.
“This is a film without any credibility, it’s disgusting and suspect”,
says a Director of Communications from the industry. Do you trust her?

Are Syvertsen, Jon Martin Førland/Incakola
Productions/Norway/2007/73min/35mm/Norwegian dialogue, English and
Chinese subtitles



John Webster/Millennium Film/2008/85分钟/芬兰语和英语, 中英文字幕

Recipes for Disaster

Director John Webster convinces his wife and two small children that
the whole family should go on an oil diet, yet without having to give
up their middle class suburban lifestyle. All the everyday things that
we don’t do, or what we can’t help doing, make up recipes for
disaster. In this comedy of errors they find themselves questioning
their values and putting to test their will power and ultimately,
their happiness.

John Webster/Millennium Film/2008/85min/English and Finnish dialogue,
English and Chinese subtitles



Michael Cavanagh & Kerstin Übelacker/WG Film/2007/28分钟/DVCAM/ 英语, 中英文字幕

The Leftovers

A group of five diverse people have challenged themselves to drive
2000 km down the east coast of Australia in a veggie oil powered van,
living on nothing but waste. With zero money but plenty of passion
they put both themselves and society to the test.

Michael Cavanagh & Kerstin Übelacker/WG Film/2007/28min/DVCAM/ English
dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles



Suzanne Khardalian & PeÅ Holmquist/HB PeÅ Holmquist
Film/瑞典/2005/73分钟/DigiBeta/瑞典语和英语, 中英文字幕


Her opponents call her “The Green Killer”. They gave her “The Bullshit
Award” for sustaining poverty. TIME says she is a hero of hour times,
an icon for young people all over the world. This is a film about
Vandana Shiva, Indian environmental activist and nuclear physicist.

Suzanne Khardalian & PeÅ Holmquist/HB PeÅ Holmquist
Film/Sweden/2005/73min/DigiBeta/Swedish and English dialogue, English
and Chinese subtitles



Marie Nyreröd/瑞典/2006/83分钟/瑞典语, 中英文字幕

Bergman Island

Just four years before his death, legendary filmmaker Ingmar Bergman
sat down with Swedish documentarian Marie Nyreröd at his home on Fårö
Island to discuss his work, his fears, his regrets, and his ongoing
artistic passion. This resulted in the most breathtakingly candid
series of interviews that the famously reclusive director ever took
part in, later edited into the feature-length film Bergman Island.
In-depth, revealing, and packed with choice anecdotes about Bergman’s
oeuvre, as well as his personal life, Nyreröd’s film is an
unforgettable final glimpse of a man who transformed cinema.

Marie Nyreröd/Sweden/2006/83min/Swedish dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles




This Icelandic documentary follows seven young artists over a two-year
period. They are finding their place both at home and abroad and
interconnecting with each other in various ways. Steypa gives insight
into the work process and attitude of this generation, showing how
ideas are born and subsequently formed into art.

Markus Thor Andresson & Ragnheidur Gestadóttir/Lofi
Productions/Iceland/2007/67min/Digibeta PAL/Icelandic dialogue,
English and Chinese subtitles


Ferdinand, Placebo, The Streets, Rufus Wainwright, Editors, Jenny
Wilson, Mew, Sonic Youth和众多的音乐高手。

Ulrik Wivel/Barok Film A/S/丹麦/2008/99分钟/35毫米/丹麦语, 英语 中英文字幕


Every year festival people of all generations from the world over
gather on the fields surrounding Roskilde to step into a mutual party
and release the human beast. Step into the most sacred room of one of
the biggest and most renowned music festivals in Europe. Experience
the festival through the eyes of the artist, the volunteer and the
guest, when a simple field is transformed into a musical centre of
energy in which the ecstasy culminates and boundaries are crossed.
Experience live concerts with Franz Ferdinand, Placebo, The Streets,
Rufus Wainwright, Editors, Jenny Wilson, Mew, Sonic Youth and many

Ulrik Wivel/Barok Film A/S/Denmark/2008/99min/35mm/Danish, English
dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles

Of the European open air festivals Roskilde is the most important. For the fans there is no other festival as Roskilde that carries on the legendary Woodstock spirit.
— German news anchor
Roskilde是欧洲最重要的露天音乐节。对乐迷而言, 再没有哪个音乐节比它更好地继承了传奇的伍德斯托克音乐节的精神。
— 德国电视台新闻主播

If the identity of the Roskilde Festival was easily described we would have been tempted to do so. And it would be relatively simple to duplicate. And copy in other places. I believe that the Nordic all-embracing mentality will prevail even if there are attempts at breaking it down and that it will safeguard freedom and respect personality and tolerance.
— Leif Skov Roskilde Festival Director

要是Roskilde的特性易于描述, 我们早就尝试了。它也就相对容易在别的地方被复制。我相信即使遇到破坏的阻力, 北欧人的包容性最终会取胜的。而这种态度将会守卫着自由、尊重、个性和宽容。
— Leif Skov Roskilde音乐节主席



Antti Seppänen/Illume Film/芬兰/2009/57分钟/芬兰语, 中英文字幕

Iceberg Shadow

The director finds a box of 8 mm films full of images from all over
the world at a flea market. Night after night, the thin strips of
plastic lying in the box spring to life. They have been clearly filmed
by the same person. Who would have wanted to record these moments?
Calm after a storm, an oriental dancer, mist in Machu Picchu, a
caterpillar eating a leaf and the blaring neon signs of Manhattan.
Mysteriously rippling hustle and bustle in ports that no longer exist.
A million exposed squares of film. Someone’s entire life and
experiences for sale at a flea market.

Antti Seppänen/Illume Film/Finland/2009/57min/Finnish dialogue,
English and Chinese subtitles


抗猫是朋克乐队SUBS的主唱。在《岩石的心》这部电影中,导演Karen Winther跟随了乐队在中国和挪威的巡演,

Karen Winther /Norsk Dokumentarfilm/中国挪威/2008/58分钟/数码摄像/汉语, 挪威语 中英文字幕

Rock Heart Beijing

Kang Mao is the lead singer of the Chinese punk band Subs. In Rock
Heart Beijing filmmaker Karen Winther follows the band on tour, both
in China and in Norway, and through Kang Mao’s scene performances and
her open-hearted confessions before the camera, the audience is given
a fascinating insight into modern-day China. This intimate documentary
film lets us see a world where playing Rock’n'roll never lost its
subversive and rebellious character, and where musicians strive for
more than fame and fortune.

Karen Winther /Norsk Dokumentarfilm/China, Norway/2008/58min/digital
video/Chinese, Norwegian dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles


Biogen, GusGus, Ghostigital的现场!

Arnar Jonasson/Zik Zak Filmworks /冰岛/50分钟/Beta SP/2008年/


Electronica Reykjavik is the story of a revolution in music. The
electronic and house music of the late 80´s and early 90´s has made
and affected a whole generation of musicians. A scene of mostly
underground and avant-garde Icelandic electronic artists emerged, many
of which are portrayed in the film. Be prepared for the deepest
rhythms of nature and above all a very sexy party.
Featuring highly rare footage from the early days of Dance music as
well as artists such as Anonymous, Biogen, GusGus, Ghostigital and
many more.

Arnar Jonasson/Zik Zak Filmworks /Iceland/50 min/Beta SP/2008/

October 13, 2009

最后一站Last Bus Stop



导演:Kai Salminen/Zsuzsa Böszörmenyi
