Dignan: They'll never catch me... because I'm fucking innocent.

[last lines]
Dignan: Ain't it funny how you used to be in the nut house and now I'm in jail?

Anthony: Grace thinks I'm a failure.
Dignan: What? What has she ever accomplished in her life that's so great?

Dignan: A bigger bag, you idiot!
Book Store Manager: Don't call me an idiot, you punk!
Dignan: Can... do you have a... do you have bigger bags... for atlases or dictionaries... uhh, Sir?

瓶装火箭Bottle Rocket(1996)

又名:脱线冲天炮(台) / 瓶子火箭


主演:欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson/卢克·威尔逊 Luke Wilson/罗伯特·马斯格雷夫 Robert Musgrave/内德·道德 Ned Dowd/谢伊·福勒 Shea Fowler/黑莉·米勒 Haley Miller/安德鲁·威尔逊 Andrew Wilson/布赖恩·滕博姆 Brian Tenenbaum/詹妮·图利 Jenni Tooley/迪帕克·帕拉纳 Dipak Pallana/达里尔·考克斯 Darryl Cox/斯蒂芬·迪南 Stephen Dignan/卢米·卡范佐斯 Lumi Cavazos/梅林达·雷纳 Melinda Renna/胡里奥·赛迪罗 Julio Cedillo/泰迪·威尔逊 Teddy Wilson/詹姆斯·肯恩 James Caan/库玛·帕拉纳 Kumar Pallana

导演:韦斯·安德森 Wes Anderson编剧:欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson/韦斯·安德森 Wes Anderson