“我妈妈说过,如果我想她,就看着月亮,因为她那时也会在看, 这样我就能觉得她在身边了,就不会觉得孤单了。”该死,看到这时已是热泪满眶。记不起曾几何时也被电影这么打动过,一个九岁儿童的话竟然比苏轼的“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的词句还要感人。是同情在大洋彼岸的他们,更是感慨境况相同的我们。


社会不患寡而患不均。人们担心的不是使自己失去土地和财富的集权统治,人们担心的是以“平均地权”名义而产生的新的“贵族阶级”。历史再次告诉人们,自然界中没有绝对的平均。如果GC主义不是幼稚的想要违背自然规律,那么就是有什么不可告人的欺骗。相信当初一心追随革命想要创造出新世界的农民朋友要的不是现在这个样子。过河拆桥?现在已不谈什么主义,因为已没有什么意义。老资有的我们都有:贫富差距、恶性竞争、金钱至上…老资没有的我们也有:绝对贫穷、保障缺乏、言论禁忌…能说什么呢?只能说但愿人长久了,希望能活到有那么美好的一天。[By Vincentspring]

p.s. 附原声“Superman Es Ilegal – 超人也是非法移民”的英文歌词:
He arrived by air, but not in an airplane
He came in his ship all the way from Krypton
and it appears that he is not an American.
Rather, he is just like me, undocumented.

So you see, Border Patrol, he shouldn't work
because even though it hurts, Superman is an illegal alien.
He's a journalist, well so am I
and he didn't go into the Army, oh what a deal.

And he is blonde, blue-eyed, and well-built
and I'm dark, chubby, and very short.
But at least I have already marched (in the military)
with the smuggler I had to pay when I crossed (the border).

He didn't comply with military service,
he doesn't pay taxes and he acts like a judge.
He doesn't have a green card nor a license to fly,
and I bet he doesn't even have a social security card.

We have to deport Superman from this region
and if possible return him to Krypton.
Where are the immigration authorities when you need them?
What's new, Mr. Racism, in the nation?

一样的月光La misma luna(2007)

又名:同一月光下 / 月光浪子 / Under the Same Moon


主演:阿德里安·阿龙索 / 凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂洛 / 欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯 / 玛雅·扎帕塔 / 卡门·萨丽娜斯 / 安吉丽娜·佩拉兹 / 加布里埃尔·珀拉斯 / 亚美莉卡·费雷拉 / 杰西·加西亚 / 玛丽亚罗霍 / Ignacio Guadalupe / Mario Almada / Ernesto D'Alessio / 古斯塔沃·桑切斯·帕拉 / 伊薇特·默西迪丝 / Jacqueline Voltaire / Sonya Smith / 吉列尔莫·里奥斯 / J. Teddy Garces / 博蒲田 / Julie Dove / 

导演:派翠西亚·里根 / 编剧:Ligiah Villalobos