∷It is just another evening commute until the rain starts to fall, and the city comes alive to the sound of dripping rain pipes, whistling awnings and gurgling gutters. And in the midst, two umbrellas — one blue, one not — fall eternally in love.∷





短片的高潮当然是各路兄弟利用自己仅有的一点技能来挽救完全力不从心的Blue了,在这个相对冷漠的社会中,有无情,也会有温情,迪士尼的Happy Ending是我们这些压力山大城市青年的解药。

作为一个设计师,我经常看到那些悄悄藏在马路和街道建筑物上的小脸,但是我却从没想过要把他们融入到艺术作品当中,The Blue Umbrella触碰到了我的内心,尤其是那些慢镜头的处理,让我想起了王家卫《蓝莓之夜》中的片段。插曲使用相同的音乐,不同的音高哼奏,堆积复杂的感情交织在一起,使我深知梦幻般浪漫的爱情是不会发生在现实中的,但是我们可以积极的面对人生,让美好的事情发生。



●The team gave unique names to all the characters appearing in the film. Saschka Unseld has said this could result in some confusion for newly involved animators, and a poster listing all characters was made to help keep track of the names.

●Unseld indicated the inspiration for the first character seen in the short was found not far from where he lives, at an intersection on Bush St. in San Fransisco.

●A picture of a yellow six-wheeled sports car, seen in Monsters University in the basement of the Oozma Kappa fraternity house, is featured on a billboard.

●The streets of the intersection where the action takes place are called Park Ave. and Hollis, the names of the streets at the intersection of which Pixar Animation Studios is located.

●The newspaper vending machine next to the gutter character has a worn-off picture of Luigi's Casa Della Tires on its front.

●A poster of John Carter can be seen in a bus stop window.

●A bus displays "Hemebrger Hill" as its destination, an allusion to Allen Hemberger, Effects Lead of the short.

●According to Unseld, the last shot of the film is a nod to Linklater's Before trilogy.

●Several of the neons created for the short ("Flo's Cafe", "Luigi's", "Casa della Tires") allude to neons found in Radiator Springs.

蓝雨伞之恋The Blue Umbrella(2013)

又名:小蓝伞 / 蓝雨伞 / 蓝色雨伞



导演:Saschka Unseld编剧:Saschka Unseld