

A:This cannot be another reboot, retread, regurgitated.. 重新启动、重新踏面、反流

B:Why not? Reboots sell.

C: We are so far down the wrong rabbit hole, here, people. You say <i>Matrix</i> to anyone... You say Matrix.. Matrix... Matrix... Matrix... ...this is what they see.加入口技声效 Allow me to sum up our goal in a single word. Bullet time! Bullet time! (子弹时间 这里伏笔 后面会callback)

D:That's two words. (哈哈 中文要翻译成四个字了)

E:We need a new "bullet time." We need to revolutionize gaming again. Revolutionize gaming again!



2.尼奥与崔妮蒂第一见面 颇有现实中的中年男与已为人母的初恋互相了解试探的意思

(崔) /I remember wanting a family, but was that because that's what women are supposed to want? How do you know if you want something yourself or if your upbringing programmed you to want it? -Mmm. I pay my analyst a lot of money to answer such questions for me.

/Smart. I should get more therapy but honestly, I'm too goddamn tired. Kids are exhausting, you know? -No. Never had kids.

/Oh, right, I knew that. Sorry. I googled you. So, what's it like being a world-famous game designer? Must be amazing. -Uh... A lot of hours. Sometimes it is amazing. Most times...I don't know.

/But you made The Matrix.</i> Even I've heard of that. -Yeah. We kept some kids entertained. /So, worth it省? Can I ask something about your game? -Sure.

/Did you base your main character on yourself? -There is a lot of me in him. Maybe a little too much.

/Can I ask you something else? -Please.

/There's a woman in your game. -Trinity.

/Which is a weird coincidence also, right? -God, yeah.

/I like her. I like Trinity. And I dig her Ducati杜卡迪. Another coincidence. I love motorcycles. My friend Kush and I actually build them. -Really?

/You have your analyst, I have my bikes. So, I was looking at images from your game. At Trinity. Well, I showed Chad a scene, and I was like, "So, what do you think?" He didn't get it until I said, "Don't you think she looks like me?" You know what he did? He laughed. And I laughed too, like it was a joke. How could it not be, right? Made me so angry. I hated myself for laughing. I wanted to kick him so hard. Not too hard. Maybe just hard enough to break his jaw off. And right now, you're probably regretting sitting down with me. –贯This is the best thing I've done in a long time.


/I have to take this. Hi, this is Tiff. Oh, God, no. I'll be right there. My, uh, youngest stuck a Lego up his nose.哈哈 -Oh.

/I gotta go. I hope I see you again.



黑客帝国:矩阵重启The Matrix Resurrections(2021)

又名:黑客帝国4:矩阵重生 / 骇客帝国4 / 骇客任务:复活(台) / 22世纪杀人网络:复活次元(港) / 骇客任务4 / 黑客帝国:复兴

上映日期:2022-01-14(中国大陆) / 2021-12-22(美国)片长:147分钟

主演:基努·里维斯 / 凯瑞-安·莫斯 / 叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁 / 杰西卡·亨维克 / 乔纳森·格罗夫 / 尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 / 佩丽冉卡·曹帕拉 / 克里斯蒂娜·里奇 / 特尔玛·霍普金斯 / 埃伦迪拉·伊瓦拉 / 托比·奥伍梅尔 / 马克思·雷迈特 / 布莱恩·J·史密斯 / 贾达·萍克·史密斯 / 丹尼尔·伯哈特 / 艾伦·霍尔曼 / 朗贝尔·维尔森 / 安德鲁·卡德威尔 / 伊恩·皮里 / 威廉·W·巴伯 / 埃尔文·费利西达 / 迈克尔·J·格温 / Linda Joy Henry / 约翰·洛巴托 / 安妮-玛丽·奥尔森 / 艾蒂安·维克 / 克莱顿·华生 / 詹姆斯·D·韦斯顿二世 / 

导演:拉娜·沃卓斯基 / 编剧:亚历山大·赫蒙 Aleksandar Hemon/拉娜·沃卓斯基 Lana Wachowski/大卫·米切尔 David Mitchell
