
Till on a starry night, the cycle repeats.

2. 华莱士幡羽天堂鸟并非起源于这里。

Wallace’s Standardwing originally came from elsewhere.

3. 这些外力如今仍在影响着这个世界。

It is still being shaped by them.

4. 新形成的岛屿也随之运动。

New islands don’t stand still for long.


Now the final piece of puzzle is coming into places.

6. 迅猛致命扑食者。

as fast lethal pedetors

7. 平整单调的绿毯子

flat and featureless like a green carpet.

8. 沧海桑田的巨变为我们提供了解题的密钥。

It’s violent past that holds the key to our mystery.

The predetors are close behind them.

10. 迅猛敏捷

fast sleek and powerful.

10. 双管齐下的结果便是迸发生命力。

that are the final ingredient for this explosion of life.

11. 清澈无暇。

It's water are crystal clear.

秘境星球Mysterious Planet(2020)


导演:Andrew Murray / 编剧:Andrew Murray