印象深刻的是都很直白地表露: This is money business. Make money is the only goal.

There is a cliche, you eat what you kill.That's pretty much the culture of WS. Waking up and feel like, you are on a hunt.

I represent on one side some of the richest investors on the planet.One the other, we try to find undiscovered managers to be a big star. it's hard. Nine out of ten would fail.

You know ppl through work, and they invite you to their parties, introduce you to their families. There you meet other ppl, they may become personal contact but it's always about business. They invite you to other parties. It's like snow balling. Sometimes it's hard to streamline.
When I think of WS, I primarily think of the type of person it attracts, goal oriented, persistent, resilient.
Ppl always know there is only one bottom line: how much money you make.

WS has been a very enriching experience for me. I have the opportunity to grow a lot
I am excited about what the future holds. I just generally try to be happy, approach everything with a positive attitude. That's also a prerequisite for WS. Make the most out of the opportunity you have.

华尔街的战士们 第一季(2006)

又名:华尔街敢死队 / 花街敢死队 / 华尔街的战士们

主演:Timothy Sykes
