"I decided to be a writer, not in order to save the world, nor to serve my fellow men, but for the simple personal, selfish, egotistical, happiness of creating the kind of men and events I could like, respect and admire.
You see, I am an atheist and I have only one religion: the sublime and human nature. There is nothing to approach sanctity of the highest type of man possible, and there is nothing that gives me the same reverent feeling. The feeling when one's spirit wants to kneel, bareheaded.
Do not call it hero worship, because it is more than that. It's a kind of strange and improbable, white heat where admiration becomes religion and religion becomes philosophy and philosophy, the whole of one's life." --Ayn Rand

兰德:一种生命感Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life(1997)


主演:莎朗·格拉斯 Harry Binswanger 迈克·华莱士 

导演:Michael Paxton
