1. It's better to be infamous than never be famous at all.
2. Politics is a show business for ugly people.
3. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's only finished when he quits.
4. They always return to the scene of the crime.
5. The media is two things. They're either evil or the are lazy, or they're both. And if you understand that, you can do whatever you want.
6. Hate is a more powerful motivator than love.
Roger Stone,是如同蝙蝠侠电影中小丑的存在,是腐生在人性之恶上的吞噬细胞,也是美国当代政治泥潭的始作俑者。小丑进监狱是为了玩弄蝙蝠侠,那么这周被抓的Roger Stone呢?

快找罗杰·斯通Get Me Roger Stone(2017)



主演:罗杰·斯通 / 唐纳德·特朗普 / Paul Manafort / 杰弗里·图宾 / 塔克·卡尔森 / Jane Mayer / Wayne Barrett / Harry Siegel / 亚历克斯·琼斯 / Matt Labash / Nydia Stone / Krystal Ball / Charlie Black / Michael Caputo / 希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿 / 理查德·尼克松 / 

导演:Dylan Bank / Daniel DiMauro / 编剧:Dylan Bank/Daniel DiMauro