Released in 1969, A Place for Lovers, as it came to be called, was a film that turned out to be an artistic disappointment to both Marcello and me. Though when I next saw De Sica in the spring of 1972 when he won the Best Foreign Film Oscar for The Garden of the FinziContinis, he argued otherwise. ''You see, Faye," he said, ''We were ahead of our time."



又名:泪洒相思地 / 爱情终结 / A Place for Lovers / 情人们的老地方


主演:费·唐纳薇 / 马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 / Caroline Mortimer / Karin Engh / 

导演:维托里奥·德西卡 / 编剧:Julian Zimet/Peter Baldwin