LC: i havent a single concern.

Host: how can you be a good poet and not care about something?

LC: i do the poetry you do the commentary

Host: let's get this straight, there is nothing that worries you?? nothing that bothers you?? how can you write if youre not bothered by something?

LC: well im bothered when i get up in the morning. my real concern is to discover whether or not if im in a state of grace, and if i make that investigation and discover that im not in a state of grace i try to go to bed.

Host: what do you mean by a state of grace? that's a phrase i never understood.

LC: a state of grace is that kind of balance with which you ride the chaos that you find around you. its not a matter of resolving the chaos as there is something arrogant and war-like about putting the world in order but having that kind of an escape ski, down over a hill, just going through the contours

各位来宾,伦纳德·科恩Ladies And Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen(1965)


主演:唐纳德·布里坦 / 莱昂纳德·科恩 / Robert Hirschhorn / 

导演:Donald Brittain / Don Owen / 
