1.Teacher:The raised hand.One man,one vote.When you imagine those raised hands,class,you have to remember,everyone of them held a spear.That's what "majority rule"means.

2.Barry:Define "party".
Man woman:Adorable.

3.Barry:Collage is not about learning.It's about training to want what you don't need,to leave who you are at the door.
Willy:But we're supposed to leave who we are at the door.That's the point.
Barry:Well,some people can't leave who they are at the door.

4.Barry:Why are we watching?
Charlotte:It's our civic duty.

5.Barry:I just don't believe in the.
Charlotte:If you say the system,I'm going to scream.
Barry:The system.
Charlotte:You're one of them.
Barry:What?A socialist?
Charlotte:A poet.
Barry:I am a poet,actually.

6.Charlotte:No way.She's trying way too hard.Zero self-esteem.
7.Charlotte:Umm.Ground control to Barry.

8.Charlotte's mom:That could take a while.
Charlotte:And some alcohol.

9.Barry:I fit in nowhere.

10.Ms.Dennis:Eight floor.

11.Charlotte:You look like you're going into battle.

12.The writer:That makes you America.
The writer:You take the baton from the ones who've come before,and you carry it as far as you can.And then you hand it off.
The wify:That's life.It's a beautiful struggle.

13.Barry:I got an H.
14.Barry:I'm from many places.But I live here now.


又名:小奥巴马 / 奥观海


主演:安雅·泰勒-乔伊 Anya Taylor-Joy/艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd/珍娜·艾夫曼 Jenna Elfman/莱纳斯·罗彻 Linus Roache/埃拉·科尔特兰 Ellar Coltrane/杰森·米切尔 Jason Mitchell/约翰·本杰明·西基 John Benjamin Hickey/德文·特雷尔 Devon Terrell/Annabelle Attanasio/Tessa Albertson/Avi Nash/丹尼·霍奇 Danny Hoch/Tommy Nelson/Jeremy Sample/拉尔夫·罗德里格斯 Ralph Rodriguez

导演:维克拉姆·甘地 Vikram Gandhi编剧:亚当·曼斯巴赫 Adam Mansbach