It's been a couple of days since I watched this show and I cannot stop thinking of it. I confess that I started to watch this show just because I love Amalia Holm so much. But I wasn't expecting to be traumatized like this. I actually have watched a lot of intense shows full of violence and psychological trauma including some explicit sexual violence scenes. But Delete Me just hit me differently.

Spoil alert !!!Spoil alert !!! Spoil alert !!!

First, I'll start with Marion.

I'm always a huge fan of complicated female characters. I love the multiple layers beneath their glamorous or messed up facades. And that's the exact reason Marion caught my eye. Before the sex tape leaked, it seemed Marion was living her best life, being a synchronized swimming duo with her best friend and a very promising program in Miami was waiting for her if the coach picks them, which the odds were very favourable to them already. But deep down, Marion was in dire need of being a popular girl in school. She wanted to be in the social circle of what other girls talk about or pay attention to or even admire (remember the permanent eyelash?). This kind of need drives her to go on that bus trip, which unfortunately is the beginning of the total disaster that followed next. I relate to Marion so much in the sense that I too wanted to be a part of a certain group back in school, and lucky me being a total introvert, I can say this is about as far as I can relate because it didn't take too long for me to figure out that things like popularity are completely against my well-being hahaha. After the sex tape leaked, Marion's life irrevocably deteriorated into a living hell. I think her need of being popular came from her inner insecurities, which is, in my opinion, her fear of being alone. Those anonymously unsolicited disgusting texts, misogynistic online comments of the video, both cyber and real-life bullying have made her insecurities even worse. Therefore she got herself into a contradictory situation: her yearning for a companion and her fear of trusting the wrong people again, even Fanny the hacker really did want to help her. School is supposed to be somehow, an ivory tower for teenagers where they can be safe and sound, but in sheer contrast with Marion's post-bus trip apocalypse, classmates and those so-called friends became her worst nightmare. She became more and more paranoid and overcautious with the fact that it's practically every worst-case scenario turned out to be her reality.

Next, I wanna talk about Marion's actions. I think her choice of a threesome itself is not the biggest problem here, but that threesome involving a man who's already in a relationship she's aware of does not sit right with me. I have this suspicion that Marion in some sense wanted to be one-up on Sanna, so she eventually gave her consent and did enjoy it very much(according to Christian, that night she came twice hahaha).

And then I wanna talk about friendships and other relationships in this show.

1. Marion and Marit

Marion's fear of being alone can explain her friendship with Marit. Marion was always the superior with her every wish has been granted at the cost of total disregard of Marit's needs. Marit, as the supportive friend, was always the subordinate in this arduous relationship. At some point, I have this feeling that Marion knew exactly the party Sanna had thrown before the bus trip was not gonna provide a satisfying outcome for Marit, and yet she dragged Marit along with her anyway. During the bus trip, Marion did ditch Marit and let her walked a long way back home all by herself in a freezingly cold raining night, oh man, this is kinda extreme, especially they have promised each other that they will always go home together. All of this shit happened just because Marion felt "she was going well with Christian and she doesn't want to ruin the moment", oh yes, you can imagine the huge disappointment to Marit, when she's finally home and found out her foot was injured, she can barely hide it and burst into tears. I think all of these terrible disappointments perfectly explained not only why Marit didn’t show up in their evening training and go to the library with Marion, but also, Marit didn’t defend Marion when those unfair treatments were imposed on her. Furthermore, these disappointments directly lead to the retaliatory action between Marit and Christian, which became the last straw of the falling out between these two best friends.

2. Marit and Christian

At first, I thought that Marit was using Christian as a tool to have her revenge on Marion. But after their little talk in the pool, I begin to think there might be something else other than a simple retaliation. Christian was clearly attracted to Marit, you can see it in the chaotic light show on the bus. On the contrary, speaking of Marion, Christian seemed only want to shag her...well maybe I am overthinking.

3. Marion and Fanny the hacker

Although she used some extreme methods to get what she wants, Fanny is a heroic character. I admit that I can’t accept her approaches peacefully (hacked pretty much everyone’s cellphone or accounts), but thanks to her, she can rescue Marion from that shady bar before it’s too late. After seeing that violence both online and in reality, and the shitty job did by the police force, I relate to her rage so much. I think she’s a feminist with an eager heart to actually do something in order to make a change. But like I said before, Marion’s trust issue was unable to give an easy start when forging their alliance.

4. Marion and Sanna

In this relationship, Marion’s position somehow has completely inverted compared to her friendship with Marit. In order to get on that bloody bus, Marion did every ridiculous thing as Sanna said. She’s trying so hard to please Sanna. When she’s on the bus, she did nothing when Sanna kicked out Marit, who’s her best friend and whom she’s supposed to go home with. This kind of relationship is not healthy at all. I think this is why Marion made the decision to have a threesome with Sanna’s boyfriend. After all, she needed a way to regain her position in this already unfair game.

5. Marion and her little brother

I just don’t get it why he didn’t try to protect Marion when the boy sends the video to his own cellphone. She’s your sister bro, and her privacy has been violated just in front of your fucking eyes. Be a man and protect your family okay? And why the fuck did you say that shit to her when you guys watching the telly ???

Next, I wanna talk about a little bit gender stereotypes

Personally, I am so sick of those generalized views of preconceptions about characteristics of the roles that ought to be possessed by women and men. I think the most important issue this show sheds light on, is the appalling inequality between women and men those harmful stereotypes imposed on our society.

1. When Marion’s standing in front of the vending machine tried to buy a sandwich, she’s been sneered at with sexual innuendo. In sheer contrast to her circumstance, when Christian buying a sandwich, those people who mocked Marion a few seconds earlier didn’t show him even the slightest bit of disdain in spite of the fact that he was actually in the video and the main suspect who leaked the video.

2. After the video leaked, let’s see the world around Marion

A. Marion’s cellphone flooded with dirty texts, calling her “slut” or “she deserved this” or whatever insulting things that suit the senders’ mood.

B. The horrible harassment was conducted by those men at the gas station and on her way to the natatorium.

C. Marion’s been iced out in school, she cannot tell her parents about what happened, she went to the police station, and all she can get is the patronizing comments like” you shouldn’t have agreed to do so in the first place”.

D. After Fanny showed the video to Christian’s mother, the mother went back on her word in the twinkling of an eye, tried to bribe her way out of her son’s mess, completely forget “the culprit should be punished so the victim will feel better” shit she said to Fanny minutes ago. Oh, what a protective mother.

E. When Christian expressed his deep worries to Marit about the possible criminal record, we can see that all he cared about is this potential threat to his future education in the U.S. He didn’t give a shit about how drastically Marion’s life has been ruined. The sex, the video without consent, the leak of the video, or shall I say, including Marion herself, were all perceived by Christian as some kind of sexual property which aren’t worth his time to care.

And yes, this is the society we are living in today. When things like this happened, no one seemed to notice the real culprit who’s actually responsible for the wrongdoing. People have this tendency to aggressively punish women, believing those victims deserved sexual harassment or violence simply because they were not behaving “modestly”. I don’t think we have talked enough about this issue, and thanks to this brilliant show, we can get a better perspective towards the authentic feelings impacted by those gender-biased mindsets, which are frequently caused by wrongful gender stereotyping.

And last, I wanna talk about our impeccable actor Amalia Holm.

1. One of the things that makes Amalia such a brilliant actor is her precise control of facial expression. As the story develops, you can clearly feel her joy, fear, anxiety, anger and desperation just from the screen. She carried out these emotions through her eyes and the corner of her lips and the wrinkles on her nose with surgical precision that all you perceived is authentic as hell. She acquitted herself with every bit as much sophistication of nuance as possible so the role Marion can be presented so genuinely and gracefully.

2. Amalia once said in an interview that she’s actually afraid of water. Well, it is not so hard to imagine the tons of effort she has made to deliver such an amazing performance.

3. Marion is, without a question, a very delicate, energy-consuming role to play. As a complete outsider to professional acting, I always wondered how did actors deal with the negative influence imposed on them by their emotional journey after delivering so many dramatically mood swings scenes. To me, I think Marion’s psychologically traumatized aftermaths seemed not so easy to shake off. Honestly, watching this show simply gave me enough bad feelings, let alone what and how much the actor has undertaken. I cannot imagine.

4. I love the role Scylla Ramshorn played by Amalia in Motherland Fort Salem. She did a wonderful job, of course, she’s our favourite terrorist in the show hahaha. And she seemed so nice and so humble in interviews. I seriously don’t know what we have done to deserve this wonderful angel in our life. After watching Delete Me, I have to say, there’s practically no limit to what this powerful woman can accomplish. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her excellent work.

okay hope these happy Amalia of BTS photos brighten your day🥳

Delete Me(2021)


主演:埃玛利亚·霍尔姆 / Thea Sofie Loch Næss / Happy Jankell / 

导演:Marie Kristiansen / 

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