“First contact”is a documentary film which focus on various encounters between Westerners, from Australia and native Papua New Guineans. And there are three obvious spectatorships inside the 40 minutes film. The first one is how Papua New Guineans see the white men, the second one is how the white men see the Papua New Guineans.And the third one is how director spectator the activity of this encounter.
Are they human beings
The film starts with archive footage,black and white,original and ignorant New Guinean come to viewer’s attention. Combined with heavy and chanting back sound,the film laid down a serious tone for this film.As narrator said,before the Australian came,the place was a piece of virgin. Until the year 1926,the Australian found gold inside of New Guinean, things have changed between the two nations. The way that local people sees the three brothers coming were interesting. “They must be our ancestors from the place of the dead”.“we know nothing then of the outside world.we thought we were the only living people”.“we believed our dead went over there turned white and came back as spirits”“That is how we explained our own dead returned”.says the modern New Guinean. The curious thing is why the local would think white people are their ancestors not some thing else. not alien,not people from the other part of the island,not people from the future. “That is how we explain the white men ,our own dead returned ”.So the local New Guineans were respect and took the white as their own people. So when the whites asked them to work,they work.
How they live
Local natives were like babies curious everything about the Australian. Obviously the three brothers eat what New Guineans eat, corns,meats and so on.When the camera turned to the New Guinean,he said“how the excreta would be passed since they wear so much”. This shows that the New Guinean still wondered if the white people are human being or not. Until one of the New Guineans peeks white man excreted .“That man from heaven has just excreted”“their skin are different but their shit smells just like ours.” The local natives all laughed when they recalled themselves decades ago during interviewing.From the laughter, we could tell that they know who they were. Local natives know how the whites lives. To local natives,it might be a delighted thing to know, but to the three brothers it might not be a pleasure to be peeked.
Fear and inquisitive for unknown
The film employs multiple sources of film material, including the images shot by the Australian prospectors during the 1930s, and interviews of two of those men conducted later in life and edited into its 1983 release. In many of the images shown of the prospectors' films, native men and women return the gaze of the camera openly, staring directly into the lens, at times leaning to the side to prolong the gaze as the camera moves across the crowd. One of the Australian men explains that the natives were “very inquisitive about anything you did or anything you touched.“Air plane is the good thing from the sky. so they helped the work.”“we wet and shitted ourselves with fear and confusion” says the interviewee. Since the natives have no knowledge of the outside world, I do not feel funny when they react as they said,but feel understandable for them.people tend to be scared by unknown things even thought they turned out to be a bunny. And for technology, the Australian took a gramophone to the high land,local natives thought it was a box of ghosts.otherwise why it could make so much voice and sound inside. From my perspective, it sound pretty applauseble and creative.“The dead were dancing with us” By comforting themselves they become less scared by the “new technology”.From one of the local native depicted decades ago when he was young,he thought the tin lid was spirit since it shines and he treasured it. When the old man telling the story of his own, director took some archive footage to show viewers.In the pictures,local natives sticked cans, tins onto their head happily.In locals eyes,all about whites are about their ancestors.And their ancestors will bless them. That is the reason they put tin lids on.
Materialistic between white and native New Guinean
In the middle of this film,filmmakers stats to interview native women who are already old from now.They told us that white man gave them a lot shell which means a lot money to the local at that time. she also said “We had sex together, then we know they were man.Then we saw they were humans with sex organs”.In local people’s mind, there were no obvious concept of money but after white came,white became boss,local became labour .“My husband asked me to go to them,they give us a lot good staff .”“He was very kind to me and I had a mixed race son,I raised the kid by myself ”.From this we could tell local have had accumulate the concept of money gradually.“Before white comes,we handle all things,time of feasts,time of ceremonies,time of wedding,but now they are the boss”.Just like nowadays society,white brought materialistic to high land people.
Can not communicate with them
Throughout the whole film the white people do did a lot bad things to the local,but the film does not focus on showing viewers how bad they were,from their eyes,the only thing they matters is forcing male digging gold,and having sex with females. On one hand they “colonize”the high land people,they plunder,they rape,they act recklessly because of others ignorant,but each coin has two sides,Australian did brought new staff to the New Guineans,they helped to broad local’s horizon, if Australian did not do that,maybe they still using spears to kill animals.Since while advanced culture erosion less advanced culture, the advanced one will leftover both good and bad effects objectively.
like the painting 《Las Meninas》 human beings always look at the paint in a classical way,due to the positioning of the figures in the painting, a viewer of Velázquez’s work finds him or herself standing in the position of the painter's model; the painter directs his gaze towards the viewer, where his model would be. While a mirror in the painting reflects the image of the King and Queen of Spain as supposed models, because of the positioning of the painter’s canvas, only he and the spectator figure standing nearby witness the scene from the far side of the room. The director gazes the whole action like a person involved.Especially for the warning shot highlighted at the end,the shot was originally a warning for uprising and theft to the local natives,but the director put it at the end again in order to show a metaphor between white and the native people.obviously,the white Australians were like the pigs themselves and the natives are the people who is looking at everything.

第一次接触First Contact(1982)



导演:罗宾·安德森 / 鲍勃·康诺利 / Dennis O'Rourke / 
