对比很久才看了一季多的绝望主妇,我在几天之内看完了sex and the city六季。怎么说呢,可以说Sarah Jessica Parker饰的主角Carrie chic,但不是beautiful;stylish, but not so gorgerous. 就像这部剧,四个聪明成功的曼哈顿单身女最终找到幸福的故事,modern urban fairy tale in disguise. 简而言之,从某种程度上说,在物欲横流的曼哈顿,让不相信爱情的世故成熟女认识到亘古不变的真理的童话yy程度远高于胡说八道的韩剧日剧。
开始,很现代,四个富有洞察力的才财貌俱佳女有点愤世嫉俗地交流心得,关于man,关于relationship,but nothing about love. cool, stylish, witty, chic and charming. 我喜欢每集在紧凑的短短二十几分钟内,看她们发表一些insightful的见解,思考一个大约围绕该集主题的问题。
This TV series discusses many interesting issues but it is not very appropriate to discuss in our harmony society. Meanwhile, we cannot figure a good method to solve certain problems. As I go through this show, I think, well, it seems that sex is very important in pertaining of a good relationship and people cannot just soul mates for each other. However, in eastern moral system, we definitely cannot act like them. So it rises the problem that how can we find out the one. Should we measure the sizes of the vagina and the penis to make sure that they fit into each other? Or should we have a blind marriage just like a blind date?
My friends are totally freaked out by these ideas and they think it is definitely inappropriate to let me see this show. That's funny. Not only what those people think and talk in the show, but my experiences in reality as well.