由于悬丝系列晦涩怪异的特点,将Cremaster 2-Cremaster 5主要内容整理如下(很简略,可以去看cremasterfanatic.com):
Cremaster 2
1. loosely based on the life of Gary Gilmore
2. The queen bee and her drones is an metaphor of the conflict between sexes
3. Escape artist Harry Houdini
4. Landscape: the Bonneville Salt Flats and the Columbia Ice Fields
Cremaster 3
1. The construction of the Chrysler Building in 1930s
2. Masonic lore and rituals
3. Irish symbolism: the legend of Giant’s Causeway etc.
4. The main themes of cremaster 3 are Narcissism and hubris
Cremaster 4
1. Deals with the organism’s desire to return to a state of neutral gender as its male identity is formed
2. Set on the Isle of Man, in the sea between Ireland, England and Wales
3. The Loughton Candidate
4. The ascending team and descending team
Cremaster 5
1. Represents the moment when the testicles are finally released and sexual differentiation is fully attained
2. The queen of chain and her lovers: the giant, the magician, and the diva
3. Sorrow, tragedy and loss
悬丝系列是以极其个性但诗意的影像语言书写的个人历史。 童年的运动场,青年时期的纽约,这是成长经历。Born and bred in America,马修·巴尼用更具体,更贴近美国人生活实质的方式描述这一信息。摩天大楼是这个超级帝国的嗜好,不管是这个国家的哪一阶级。社会的成熟伴随自然、个体与社会的矛盾,前者是有机的,而后者是无机的。大量场景的设计都是美式的、流行的。历史、宗教编织进民族血肉。马修·巴尼用影像语言体现这一抽象的事实,记叙Gary Gilmore、变形魔术师胡迪尼、建造克瑞斯勒大楼、摩门教、共济会。整个系列大量使用风景、人体、竞技、歌舞元素,创作者痴迷之物成了他构建自己的语言的材料。(马修·巴尼在<drawing restraint9>的记录片<no restraint>中说:“I tend to start with a place and I bring that place my own language, taking my own language and passing it through another culture, another place where mythology belonging to that place can form my language and my own language besoms its guest to its host…”,他自视自己的创作为构造语言。)
Cremaster1是性别尚未分化阶段,基调为纯真;cremaster5是性别分化的最终阶段,基调为挽歌;从cremaster1 到cremaster5性别分化程度逐渐提高,最终5中的女王之死又循环到cremaster1(不过这个地方应该是开放式结局,女王之死也可以仅仅是在回忆中殉情,看观众自己了)。 贯穿整个系列的性别分化概念,可以说明马修·巴尼对人体的痴迷,但更显而易见的是性别是最为普遍、出生即有、不由人主观意志决定的命运(当然,变性手术可以改变性别,但也是后天才可以改变,变性前天生的性别对人的影响我认为仍是无法磨灭的)。马修·巴尼曾说过自己为什么用Gary Gilmore的故事:“it was like a version of the whole Cremaster dilemma, if a character in a conflict with his destiny” 。cremaster3 和 cremaster4中有表现个体对性别分化的抵抗,这是童年期和青春期一种自然的叛逆,也可以说是restraint,马修·巴尼从还在耶鲁art department持续至今的主题。
限于文笔生硬和文字的限制,写下的观看cremaster的感受是冰冷的,而the cremaster cycle是有人情的,它本身就是一个生物。

悬丝5Cremaster 5(1997)

又名:提睾肌 5


主演:乌苏拉·安德丝 Ursula Andress/Michelle Ingkavet/马修·巴尼 Matthew Barney

导演:马修·巴尼 Matthew Barney编剧:马修·巴尼 Matthew Barney