Catherine Tate真的是个天才,不但每个角色诠释的可以用完美来赞美,而且关键是还都是她写的。。这个就。。另我膜拜到不行。这个Sketch comedy show..还是超级难得的能够好笑100分还能不Low掉。。之前看过Mad TV,,虽然也很好笑,但我一般看一次就没有想法再多看。。但是除了我最爱的Miss swan系列。。哈哈。。还有我经常看得全民最大党。。虽然好笑。但是不得不说。他们的扮相有些粗糙。外加对台湾政治不熟悉。很多时候catch不到他们在讽刺什么。。
这个SHOW中其中几个我爱的角色。首先就是Lauren Cooper!!很激动的介绍她,catherine 68年的人扮个青少年,完全就是抓到精髓阿。这个角色最爱就是把和她对话的人逼疯,用的方法就是不停重复一句话。。典型的传说中的死孩子。。。。她最有名的话就是"Am I bovvered?" 最强的是。。她每个段子都说这句。。但是每次说。。都很爆笑。。。这就是实力阿。。明明知道她要说。。我都准备好要听了。但是她一说。。那个效果十足阿。。。而且对谁都敢说这句。其中包括了。。英国的首相-布莱尔。还有英国的Queen。年初我还对Lady Gaga能给Queen表演的消息很困惑。。都不知道是gaga现在很猛。。还是QUEEN真的很亲民。。结果事实证明。。英国皇室就是很爱演大家都是一家人的戏。。还真是越没什么就越爱强调什么。。哈哈。。

应该说全英国的各个阶层都爱她啊。catherine tate 就是英国的赵本山阿。。其中我最爱的是David Tennant 客串的那个段子。。OMG。。不但好笑。。能有联系上我最爱的Doctor Who!!!另外还很高级的包括了shakespeare 的Sonnet 130。英国文化就是高级阿~!所以强烈推荐本山小品中多背宋词阿。我把这情诗附上。。但是重点是。。这么美的诗最后。。Lauren对着David Tennant 大喊。。“Bite me alien boy!!!” 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
“Bite me alien boy!!!”

还有个我最爱的。。就是catherine演的英国老太太 NAN。我最爱的是就是那个她唱首歌叫RABBIT!!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。这首歌目前是我最爱的。。原唱是chas& dave

rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit (20 遍)

you got a beautiful chin,
you got beautiful skin,
you got a beautiful face,
you got taste,
you got beautiful eyes,
you got beautiful thighs,
you got a lot whout a doubt,
but i think bout blowin u out,

cause you wont stop talking,
why don't you give it a rest?,
you got more rabbit than sainsburys,
its time you got it off your chest,
now you is just the kinda girl to break my heart in two,
i knew right off when i first set my eyes on you,
but how was i to know you fed my earholes too?,
with your exessive talking,
your becoming a pest,

rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit
边唱还边挑戏个美少男。。。哈哈哈哈哈。。。 What a fuckin' liberty!

09年的Xmas。。还有个特别版的Nan's Christmas Carol!!!David Tennant 演其中一个鬼。。David的扮相。。大眼线。紧身裤,尖头鞋。。上衣还是窖只阿妈妮。那发音。。销魂阿。他刚出来。我还以为他在扮MJ..但应该不是。他还说很搞笑的Scottish口音,总之。。超级好笑。。最后NAN老太太还对鬼说:“follow me on Twitter!!!!!” 翻译下。就是'我走了,咱微博见~"

凯特秀 第一季The Catherine Tate Show(2004)


主演:凯瑟琳·塔特 Catherine Tate/Niky Wardley/马修·豪勒 Mathew Horne/丽贝卡·弗朗特 Rebecca Front

导演:Gordon Anderson编剧:凯瑟琳·塔特 Catherine Tate/Derren Litten