At its purest, progressive rock wasn’t about money, celebrity, record contracts or the audience. It wasn’t a type of music. It was a belief. A value systems of the early 70s. One that now seems like old time religion. Its creators, often precocious, sometimes indulged,occasionally deluded, but always uncompromising, baptised the decade with the soundtrack of stark virtuosity, weird time signatures...strange poetry and surprising beauty. The musical experiment, now labelled prog rock, and stored under the counter, or placed almost out of reach on the top shelf.

从整个世界就是在等待你的出现到像买色情片一样放进不透明胶袋,还是很感慨的.......老爷都非常真诚,去美国那段好好笑Cupid meets psyche my ass. 希望各位都身体健康快乐养老

不列颠前卫摇滚-对三个运动的一个观察Prog Rock Britannia - An Observation in Three Movements(2009)


主演:Robert Wyatt / Phil Collins / Ian Anderson / 

导演:Chris Rodley / 
