Some people may say it's a love story,but I prefer to consider it as a travel documentary film of HK, or, a private diary that one guy did a bit of soul-searching in two nights with a girl.
People can enjoy this romantic comedies.Or, to give some thought of our lives(dreams).
Although this story was narratived in the form of two people's conversation,it's not that kind movie,such as BEFORE SUNRISE/BEFORE SUNSET/Before Midnight.
I mean,it's a successful cross between art film and commercial film and it has achieved all its goals,make you laugh and let you feel a little melancholy,but that's all.
It just tastes like black coffee, sweet but a litter bitter.
Like all the traditional love story,it begins like this:
Once upon a time, a boy met a girl,but he already had a girlfriend and he hated his job...and then,he tried to be honest to himself... Sounds familiar,right?
Josh is in finance,but also working on a novel(of course everybody wants to be a novelist especially the finance people).He has a girlfriend but he still feel it's hard to understands each other -no one can really know what he talks about, what he likes--"it's like a cultural barrier".
Can Ruby understand him? Emm,that's the point.
As it shown in the screen, they walked through a few best destinations in HK,famous sights of this city which everybody coming here wants to see,such as LAN kwai fong, mid-level escalators, and so on.
They talked about HK and theirs lives, something serious and significant,the issues that are important to each of them in their lives.
It's obvious there might be some connection between them that we should explore.
Now you know what this movie trying to say is that pure love MAY NOT sustain in this imperfect world.You have to hurt somebody, no one is innocents and there is no pure love.
BUT the ultimate question is :
I just--I don't know what I want.

Josh: What-- what areyou saying, Ruby?
Ruby: I don't know.
I just--this night just threw me for such a loop.
Josh: Me too.

I think that's the real subject of this movie,essentially.
(MY LITTLE AIRPORT的浪漫九龙塘为插曲之一)

已是香港明日Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong(2015)

又名:缘来说再见(港) / It's Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

上映日期:2016-03-08(中国香港) / 2015-06-12(洛杉矶电影节) / 2016-02-12(美国)片长:78分钟

主演:杰米·钟 / 布莱恩·格林伯格 / 吴耀汉 / 李美思 / 梁普智 / 哈利·杜·杨 / 丁怡瑱 / 

导演:丁怡瑱 / 编剧:丁怡瑱 Emily Ting
