Jack O'Connell居然不是90后!

Cook(Skins S3-4)作为年青一代的英国黄毛,固然不分80还是90,然而举止言谈尽似这一代人的共性,或更甚于。Party、Drug、Sex一样不少,都是迷茫、不羁、放荡……看似每天充实的过着,放肆的耗着有限年华,其实都是空虚闹的。看不出伟大理想和抱负,依然生活得快乐。谁说人一定要有那些虚的很的目标,有时走一步看一步何尝不是上上策?摸着黑往前走何尝又是下下策?先苦后甜与先甜后苦只不过是个说法,天时地利人和了,哪个先哪个后还不都是一样。生活优越又如何?品行端正又如何?Effy还不是徘徊于自己与最好的哥们之间。最后死了哥们,跑了爱人。貌似都是为所欲为,但也许才是跟着心在走,只是抛开了社会道德与责任。孰重孰轻,因人而异吧。

Robert(Dive)不是Cook,同样的年纪,不同样的生活。曾经也许放荡的生活,但最终选择了安定。正像他对Lindsey所说"There are people in the world,Linds,that are travellers.They want shit and they go places and see stuff.Alex is like that,so was our mum.And I reckon you are too.But then there's people that just aren't.They're not bad people,I'm not a bad person.They just want to stay still for a bit.I think that's more like me.I wanted us to be different,Lindsey.I wanted us to be together all along,but for it to be a bit better."这段话已经描出了Robert的性格,也是这部迷你英剧里我的大爱。他是不同于Cook的,不逃避责任,单单的希望和Lindsey过着平淡的生活,早早的成家何尝不可。其实我们又怎么知道Cook不希望过这样的生活。还有一句Robert曾说的"Can I tell you something?I love this town.I love it.I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be right now at this second than here.I reckon that's me,I reckon that's all I want really,just to have a nice life in this town."当最后,他抱着baby看着Lindsey进行跳水练习时,我看到,那就是他想要的生活,平淡的生活。



主演:埃斯林·洛福斯 杰克·奥康奈尔 Chanel Cresswell Gemma Bryden Ewen Bremner 

导演:Dominic Savage