几年前我成了Christopher Mintz-Plasse的脑残粉,于是找来这部片子看,看完却对其中的游戏产生了兴趣,但是因为周围人都没听说过这玩意,国内也找不到介绍,过一段时间就慢慢忘了这回事。
前几天小学同学聚会,一位在美国的同学也回来了。他一直是位二次元狂热爱好者,平时的言行穿着也经常让人大开眼界,每次同学们聊起他都能津津乐道聊上半天。那天他来得比较晚,我们都兴致勃勃地猜测他会以什么姿态出现,结果他手持折扇,背包里插了两把剑——没错就是一左一右交叉的那样——就向我们走来。入座后,我们都对他的剑感到好奇,他就向我们介绍了这种名为Laire(live-action roleplaying game,或者Larping,Live Action Role Playing)的真人角色扮演游戏。我一听,矮油不就是《模范贱兄弟》里那个游戏吗,就拿起一把剑来试了试,剑柄是某种硬质用胶带缠起来,剑身中间是一根轴心,外面套一整块塑料泡沫,再包上银纸或刷上银色涂料。我们问他剑是怎么做的,是在国内做的还是从美国带回来的,他说是那边的铸剑师造的,他直接装在行李里带回来的。我对着另一位同学砍了两下,泡沫打在人身上手感不错还有弹性,我跟挨打的同学说,我砍中你这只手,你这只手就不能用了;我砍中你这只脚,你就得单腿蹦了;我砍你脖子你就死了。美国同学很惊奇也很高兴我居然知道这个游戏,于是又多说了一点,说他们设定一个故事背景,每个人扮演不同角色,使用不同武器,大家都不知道故事会如何发展,不过有时候也有个人写剧本,死掉后会有cleric来复活你。玩这游戏的人有不同背景,不过主要还是年轻人在玩。
A live-action roleplaying game is very much an adventure story, a play if you will, where each of the players takes up one of the leading roles. However, unlike a play, there is no script to be followed, no cues for the actors, nor any plot line which must be followed. Also, unlike a play, the story does not end when the show closes for the night. The players of a live-action roleplaying game create their own story minute by minute, month by month, perhaps even year by year.
In a live-action roleplaying game, you take up the part of a character, performing all of the actions that character performs. There are no dice to be rolled to determine if you can move quietly, no “once, twice, three, shoot” to determine the outcome of a battle, and no chits to move about on a board to show positions. You, the player, must sneak around, fight the battles, and be aware of your surroundings, or it doesn’t actually happen. (http://www.laire.com/)