在审问疑犯的时候,G有一段类似自言自语的独白:“这很悲伤,对不对?人们喜欢我们。很多中年男子让他们的工作就是他们的生活,我们可以碰其他人唯一的时间,是当我们带橡胶手套时,有一天,我们醒来然后了解到,50年了,我们并没有真正的生活在一起,但是突然……我们有第二次机会,有个年轻貌美的人出现了,有个……我们能互相关心,她给我们新的生活,但是我们必须要下一个重要的决定,对吧,因为我们必须冒着失去我们曾经努力过的,为了要得到她,我做不到,但是你做到了,你冒了所有的险,她展示了美好的生活,不是吗?但是她把它拿走再给了别人,然后你就失去了,所以你杀了她,你杀了他们两个,现在你什么都没有。” 凶手:我仍在这里。 G:“真的吗? ”
  GRISSOM: (quietly) It's sad, isn't it, doc? Guys like us. Couple of middle-
  aged men who've allowed their work to consume their lives.
  GRISSOM: The only time we ever touch other people is when we're wearing our
  latex gloves.
  GRISSOM: We wake up one day and realize that for fifty years we haven't really
  lived at all. But then, all of a sudden ... we get a second chance.
  GRISSOM: (v.o.) Somebody young and beautiful shows up. Somebody ...
  GRISSOM: ... we could care about. She offers us a new life with her ... ...
  but we have a big decision to make, right? Because we have to risk everything
  we've worked for in order to have her.
  GRISSOM: I couldn't do it ...
  GRISSOM: ... but you did. You risked it all ...
  GRISSOM: ... and she showed you a wonderful life, didn't she? But then she
  took it away and gave it to somebody else, ...
  GRISSOM: (v.o.) ... and you were lost.
  GRISSOM: So you took her life.
  GRISSOM: You killed them both, and now you have nothing.
  VINCENT LURIE: (nods) I'm still here.
  GRISSOM: Are you?

犯罪现场调查 第四季CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(2003)

又名:犯罪现场:拉斯维加斯 第四季 / CSI犯罪现场(台) 第四季 / 灭罪鉴证科(港) 第四季 / 犯罪现场鉴证 第四季 / 罪案现场 第四季 / CSI: Las Vegas Season 4 / 犯罪现场调查

主演:威廉·彼德森 / 玛格·海根柏格 / 加里·杜尔丹 / 乔治·艾德斯 / 乔雅·福克斯 / 艾瑞克·兹曼达 / 

导演:Richard J. Lewis / 编剧:Anthony E. Zuiker