Something Real and Good


劇情,內容由在候機室相遇的一對男女對話組成, 沒有很所謂的高潮起伏, 所以全靠着兩人之間的聊天內容撐着, 引得起共嗚的, 有相同疑問的,會很有感覺,


當然~ 俺打得出文章就代表俺是前者囉~~ >.<

因為戲內女主的很多疑問, 俺都曾認真的問過自己無數遍,卻一直都想不出所然來.

所以當女主向男主聊天的時候, 我很奇待男主會如何回應, 且急切想知道,這樣的對話會如何結束...


很難找到一個人,會對自己如此的好奇, 逼着,誘着的把自己心底的那一塊給信任的掀出來, 剖析着,並且可以如此的投契的交流着, 看着 男女主的back and forth , 得到了一點點的安慰.~~~

雖然這跟Before sunrise系列的相似, 但感覺不一,sunrise 中男女主之間都很坦誠, 成熟的面對自己的感覺,相互的吸引強烈, 更romance

而在Something 中, 男女主都刻意的壓下自己的好感, 在最後一刻才誠實的透露出來. 在現實中, 很多人通常都是先收起自己的好感吧?
well~ maybe 只有我自己是這樣...@..@

其中有兩點俺被打到了. think too muck And taking myself seriously.....

"how i can get through a day without feeling nostalgic about my past?"
(well well..Always think too much.... why can't I just move on? I always ask myself but I got nothing..... )

"I hide from real emotions , I hide from emotions or I hide from talking about them because I'm afraid of the embarrassment and self-loathing it could cause. It's I'm afraid to take myself seriously, and sometime I hate myself for that."

( exactly what I do all the time, most of the time I refuse to feel, to react.... and so after a while, I feel like I'm living with a mask..... being unemotional, numb....and even start pushing people away, Don't want to say it, but I'm sad and shame about it... so when the leads saying start being emotion and honest, the moment they fell into the swimming pool the moment I felt a little bit encourage, but just the moment, since I don't have someone to push me, but I'm looking forward to me being the pusher~ )

so with all the nonsense that I've just blurt, I'm happy and content with this movie.

候机室情缘Something Real and Good(2013)


主演:Alex Hannant / 马特·琼斯 / 

导演:Luke Rivett / 编剧:Erin Carroll