昨天看了15年时JB的吐槽大会,突然很想念过去的他。每一张专辑的每一首歌,作为粉丝都熟记于心。和Usher合作的Somebody to Love一放出,稚嫩的声音就让人想哭,是怎么走到糜烂疯狂人人喊打的地步的。整场吐槽点大概是娘炮歌烂,养猴子,到处乱搞,吸大麻飙车等等。节目特色就是要很mean很straight,就算提到Selena拒绝出席,说他是毛都没长齐的pussycat,他都一笑了之。只有在Natasha开他妈妈的玩笑时他有些生气地翻了个白眼。本来以为时至今日看这些也只会哈哈大笑了,没想到竟有些心酸。我美好的青春是作为belieber度过的,听着他的歌,收集着他的专辑和图片。感觉离他很近,但不知什么时候渐行渐远了。青春年代有一个崇拜的同龄人,想想也是幸运的。他在自己吐槽的部分讲了一个笑话:What do you get when you give a teenager $200 million? A bunch of has-beens calling you a lesbian for two hours. 想起他为了证明自己不娘炮,努力健身和开始留胡子但还是被嘲实在是心疼。“This was really no preparing me for this life. I was thrown into this at 12 years old, and I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. ”
Kevin Hart: You bought a monkey, and you abandoned the monkey in Germany. What the fuck is that! That was a privileged Beverly Hill’s money. You showed him your lifestyle, and then you dropped him off at Germany?
Pete Davidson: Justin, you know, I lost my dad on 9/11, and I always regretted growing up without a dad, until I met your dad, Justin. Now I’m glad mine’s dead.
Ludacris: He may have just turned 21, but Justin will always be a baby to me since babies piss everywhere and never know when to shut the fuck up. We together dropped a track called Baby. It’s got over a billion hits on YouTube, that’s because I’m in it. It also has 4 millions dislikes, that’s because he’s in it.
Natasha Leggero:Seems like only yesterday you were discovered on YouTube. Time flies when you’re a piece of shit. No, Justin’s fans are called “Beliebers,” because these days, it’s considered politically incorrect to use the term “ Retards.”

喜剧中心贾斯汀·比伯吐槽大会Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber(2015)


主演:威尔·法瑞尔 / 贾斯汀·比伯 / 娜塔莎·赖格罗 / 凯文·哈特 / 史努比狗狗 / 卢达·克里斯 / 沙奎尔·奥尼尔 / 杰夫·鲁斯 / 皮特·戴维森 / 玛莎·斯图尔特 / 克里斯·德埃利亚 / 

导演:未知编剧:Kevin Schini/Josh Comers/Jesse Joyce/Frank Sebastiano
