我太喜欢tragic comedy这种感觉了,用喜剧的外壳讲出深刻却冷清的内核 。就是要让你跟着笑点笑着笑着,直到最后戛然而止,发现悬在故事和现实中间难以自处:it’s telling the truth.

Hilarious,exaggerated,yet so honest about the absurdity of life.

安煮老师的表演 太绝了 真的太绝了 夸张却完全不做作 肢体语言和台词功底一览无余

正是因为人们现实中 filter their life to pretend a perfect life,people became their own PR machine,and our unfiltered ,desolate,lonely lives that we are failing,are something we dare not to reveal.



“What connect us as people is our vulnerability.the way we really are is vulnerable,sometimes unhappy.”

“Delusion, so sweet though in vain”

乐在当下National Theatre Live: Present Laughter(2019)


主演:安德鲁·斯科特 Andrew Scott

导演:马修·沃楚斯 Matthew Warchus编剧:诺埃尔·考沃德 Noel Coward