一篇与Adventure Time监制Adam Muto的采访,采访于最终集Come Along With Me上映前一小时。(我翻译功底比较差,如果翻译有误请立马指出,我不希望我错误地传达Adam的想法。)
How did you envision ending the series? Does this episode fit into that original plan?
Adam Muto, executive producer: If [Adventure Time] ended after season five, it would have had a very different ending. We didn’t have a definite, “This is the exact story that’s going to be in the end.” We had images from the finale in our heads, and that was as much as you could kind of plan in advance. That last image with Finn and Jake, I had an idea of what that would mean to me.

The story itself, I think, definitely — maybe season eight, [we] kind of figured out what the shape of the finale would be. Until they told us, “This is definitely the end,” you almost couldn’t commit to what the story would be.
我想最终章大体的剧情在第八季的时候已经在我们心中有个明确的形象了。直到他们(Cartoon Network)告诉我们“这就是结局的样子”之前,谁也不能保证最终的剧情会是什么样的。
Adventure Time has gone to dark places before, but this ending feels like a happy one. Does that feel earned and appropriate?
I don’t even know how happy it is, to be honest. The future version of Ooo is not that cheery of a place. You get the sense that another apocalypse has sort of happened in the meantime. That was kind of something the show was built on, too. Obviously Shermy [who appears in the episode bookends set further ahead in time] has got Finn-like qualities, and these analogies could exist.
The show kind of came out of a conflict — we kept alluding to the Great Mushroom War. We were never really gonna show that in the life of the show. [But] it made sense to have a conflict like that at the end, or at least be the backdrop. The idea of having all of characters running at each other and fighting isn’t really the spirit of the show.
In the end, that conflict is diffused. [There are] so many stories that kind of end with the last stand of a world. I think it is the end, but it just keeps going, and people just keep living their lives.
What surprised you about where Adventure Time ended up from where it started — from something lighthearted to a more serious show?
I don’t know if it was core, but it felt natural. Even at the beginning — especially [series creator Pendleton Ward] and Pat McHale — we talked about it being serialized.
我不知道这是不是很重要,但是剧情的发展其实感觉很自然。甚至在AT开始播出之前我就和Pendleton Ward(导演)和Pat McHale讨论过这些。
The continuity is sort of a light continuity, and it sort of gains momentum throughout the show. I’m surprised that we got to that point, because that’s not where [Cartoon Network] wanted us to get to. It just kind of gained momentum.
AT剧情的连续性并不是很强,随着播出剧情慢慢有了某种惯性。我确实感到惊讶,是因为这并不是Cartoon Network当初想要我们做出的,剧情只是一直顺着势头发展。
By the end the show — it’s hard to put myself outside of it — I can’t be too surprised, but it also didn’t feel like out of left-field. It felt like a very gradual process. It would be interesting to see what the season one finale would be.
There’s also a tendency to get nostalgic, even within the show. People’s memories of the show aren’t even necessarily how it played out. It was never as blithe as people think it was. It had very bright moments and very introspective moments of people getting down. Those get more complex over time, because [Finn] grew up.
Are there pieces of lore that remain unresolved?
I think it’s important to leave spaces to imagine, leaving those kind of ambiguous spaces. Not that we don’t have an idea of what happens with certain characters afterwards. There were larger questions, I think, and those are the ones, when they’re set up and baked into the show, you have some responsibility to address. What happened to every single character throughout their lives is not. Seeing everyone’s lives from their birth to their death like an appendix, I don’t think that’s the story.
Will Simon ever be cured? That was an important one to address. Beyond that, there were so many where it’s not necessarily important — where do Finn and Jake end up? What happens to them? How old do they get? Who do they marry? It’s important to focus on this section.
This was Finn’s childhood and on the cusp of becoming a good adult. Hopefully he’s a learned a lot and become a more complete person. He doesn’t even have a sword through most of the finale at all. The idea of him putting down a weapon as the way to resolve a larger conflict ... this won’t help in the situation. I think that was an important thing, not trying to show that.
That’s also why The Lich didn’t come back as a villain. His story felt like it was over. if he came back again, it would feel like Skeletor — this evil that had to be defeated over and over again. If you can always defeat something and the day will be saved, it’s not as satisfying as something you can’t defeat — this thing that you can’t actually deal with in a direct way.
Marceline and Princess Bubblegum’s relationship was one of the most meaningful parts of the show, in terms of representation. What does the positive reaction to their pairing mean to you, and how did it influence their beautiful ending?
Marceline和Princess Bubblegum的关系——从这个关系所代表的角度来看——是AT里非常有意义的一部分。她们这一对所获得观众的正面的反应对你们来说意味着什么? 而观众的这些反应是否与她们美好的结局有关?
It felt like that was another question. It is set up enough by now that it needs a conclusion to feel satisfying. We can’t say what their life will be like from then on forever, but we can show where their relationship is now as opposed to where it was a couple years ago. Marceline is the adolescent forever, and Princess Bubblegum is the workaholic who doesn’t have anything outside of that.
我觉得这是另一个问题。剧情发展到现在需要一个令人满意的结局。我们(制作组)不能说她们的关系就会永远保持这样,但我们可以展现她们的关系已经和几年前完全不一样了。Marceline永远是一个青少年,而Princess Bubblegum是一个工作狂,除了工作她什么都不想要。
Being on Cartoon Network, alongside shows like Steven Universe, I do think that we felt like we could do more than we could have back then. Rebecca [Sugar, who created Steven Universe,] really did so much of the heavy lifting that I feel weird even talking about that too much.
在Cartoon Network还有像Steven Universe一样的其他动画作品,我觉得现在我们能做的比以前更多了。Rebecca(Steven Universe的创作者)做了非常多的工作以至于使我感觉很奇怪让我来说这么多(有关AT的事情)。
It was something that is important. When it showed up in the storyboards, it made sense. You just have to do it enough so that it’s not a new story, and then it will just be something that happens. Hopefully it’s not important in that way. Hopefully it’s not something that we even need to comment on, even.

P.S. 原文最后有一段关于CalArt Style,我对其了解甚少懒得翻译了。

探险活宝 第九季Adventure Time with Finn and Jake(2017)


主演:约翰·迪·玛吉欧 John Di Maggio/杰里米·沙达 Jeremy Shada/汤姆·肯尼 Tom Kenny/海登·瓦尔希 Hynden Walch/杨泫贞 Niki Yang/奥利维亚·奥尔森 Olivia Olson

导演:彭德尔顿·沃德 Pendleton Ward编剧:彭德尔顿·沃德 Pendleton Ward