
H- After having made two films restricted in scope to one family, a glimpse into one family, I wanted expand the spectrum and take a glimpse into "society". That was the goal because, by making a trilogy, I wanted to kind of change the point of view.


- What makes it a trilogy?
- It was my portrait of what I know about this society in which I live, about its coldness and everything that's been endlessly discussed.
because now it's become a bit...I once made the mistake of saying that this film, this trilogy is about glaciation. That's hounded me ever since and it's why I now have difficulty talking about it.
因为现在它有点。。。我曾经错说着三部曲是关于冰川的, 搞得现在很难解释。
I always have trouble with the labels people put on a director or a film, because I'm always trying to be more complex than what those words boil down to.
我总觉得很不好处理那些人们贴的标签, 因为我会去着重超越那些标签词语本身更复杂的意义。


This entire trilogy, if you like, is also about the theme of communication that fails to communicate.
That's it. Personally, that's the impression that strikes me the most, and I always attempt to broach that topic in my films, because we talk and talk but we never communicate.
and it gets worse with intimacy. The closer we are, the less we talk.
[I am sorry, i didn't catch what you said?][sorry to disturb you.]


-By the idea that reality is always fragmentary. We can grasp reality solely through fragments...
有个说法是现实是碎 片式的。我们只能通过碎片领悟现实。。。
-We can access nothing but fragments, because that makes up our everyday experience.
we see very little. we understand even less. yet in mainstream cinema, we always pretend to know it all. that annoys me.
In 20th century literature, or at least in literature from the second half of the 20th century, not a single writer dared to write with the pretension of knowing it all.
it's only via fragmentation that a story can be told honestly. so we divulge little pieces, and the sum of these pieces, slightly widens the possibilities for the audience to choose from, to relate them to their own experiences.
in other words, to provoke the viewers to kick-start their intellectual and emotional engines, into motion, into production.
it's the same with music. you have a theme and a counter-theme, then you build a structure with which you can open up the universe of the sonata. it's similar. Screenwriting is a very technical task with a psychological background, of course. How will the viewer react? When you make a film, you must always think about how the viewers will react.
i wanted to create typical extracts or fragments that would be recognisable, not understandable, but recognisable. that's something eles.


cinema often pretends to portray a totality. 'a character is this.' A character is never just this, they're that, as well, and all the 'as wells' are usually contradictory.
That's what imbues life with richness, and irritation, too.
A work of art irritates because we're used to getting the solutions that explain why a person is like that. but in real life, you never know why.
you may have a suspicion or an idea, but this idea can be completely wrong.
-but don't you think that cinema reveals as much as it hides?
-it can reveal as much as it hides. it depends. Again, it depends on the structure, because if you only show a character in a situation, you know nothing. you know only the situation. you know the situation, maybe. and you can say, 'it's this type of situation.' This, for example, is an interview situation. But you don't know, why the character is there, why he speaks in this manner, et cetera.
so when you are making a film, the secret, or the obligation, is to make this contradictory enough to give the illusion of life's richness.
in screenwriting, you always strive to find a balance between clarity and precision, on the one hand, so that you describe a situation very precisely, but without making it so typical that you see the finger pointing out, 'look, this is it.'
And that is where the challenge of the writing lies, to always find a situation that will allow me to be typical without being too facile, too flagrant. from time to time, it works, and other times, it fails.
it's dangerous, but....when talking with my students, i always say that in billiards, you can hit the ball directly or you can bank the ball. it's always better to bank a shot than to hit the ball directly. [circuitous tactics] The challenge of screenwriting is to seek out situations that make sufficient use of banking to avoid being too flagrant, too explanatory, too didactic.
[i'd like to see you in my situation. it happens to us all. just for a second. so your family life isn't disturbed.]


Each syllable was written. Nothing was improvised. He begins, he changes topic, he resumes in a different way. It was difficult to memorize. 每个音节都写在剧本,没有任何即兴。他换话题,岔开继续。很难去记忆。
- it's a single shot?
- it's a fixed shot, yes. Lasting nine minutes.
-it's important to set challenges...for the director and the actor. There are challenges to capturing reality. You must really capture reality in cinematic time...
-yes, because if we had cut... another long shot is the ping-pong shot. if we had done it in a way that just conveys the information, a young man playing against a machine, it lasts a minute, everyone understands, end of story. No. Because the scene lasts as long as it does, you come to another understanding. there 's the secret lies in the length. length must be determined by imagining how i, as a viewer, would react when watching this. At first, I see a boy playing. soon, i tell myself, 'i get it, next scene', as typically happens in movies. then, it amuses me. then, it infuriates me. then, it tires me. then, i say, 'lets see where this goes.'
and at one point, i begin to watch. and to have a respiration that lasts the right amount of time is difficult to achieve. it's true of this long scene, as it is of other scenes, such as in Code Unknown. That's always the secret and it's a musical matter.


that was my impetus for telling this story, this boy's story, which was plastered all over the media here.
-what struck me is that this child steals a comic book and a camera. what does he want? he wants the imaginary.
- right, because he's had an unpleasant life. what has he learnt? when he entered this society, at least, he learned that 'beauty' is found only in false images. so, naturelly, it's normal to try to adapt to that, to participate in this incredible lie.
- there's guilt. there are themes somewhat...yet at the same time, you don't want to direct us toward generalities. 你不想把我们引向一概而论。
-no, but it's like what we were saying rather simplistically about violence. i think we sense the violence insofar as it's never shown.
i think we also sense the beauty and grace, whatever you will, in the way that we avoid portraying it.
我觉得我们在用一种规避写真的方式感知美。it exists only in the.. in that sense, you can say there's a metaphysical quality,它只存在在,可以说,形而上的品质里。
but i think in these times if i portray, or try to portray beauty, it immediately becomes a lie.
so only by not showing it, can you evoke it in the viewer's reaction. that's my opinion.
there's a quote from Adorno that I love. It goes like this, ''Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.'' 艺术是一种魔法,通过作为真理的谎言呈现。
if you achieve that, not pretending to know what it's about, but to... why... i often ask myself why. i'm so happy when confronted with a work of art. life without art is unimaginable for me. and why does it make me so happy? that's the question, and it's difficult to answer because it's a ... in an era when God has ceased to exist, there's a remnant desire for another world.
by another world, i don't mean paradise, but another image of the world. 另一个世界-这个世界的另一种模样。
and i believe you can only evoke it by avoiding its portrayal, because otherwise it immediately becomes banal.
and if you stimulate the desire for it, by pointing to what's false, you've found the best way to evoke it.
i am not religious..well, what does it mean to be religious? i am not catholic. naturally, these films are also the expression of a desire for a better world. that's normal, i think. because if we were content with ...art has never, at least, dramatic art has never agreed with the status quo. that's normal.
we should always rebel against what's false, against what's evil. how can you do that in cinema? by showing it, i think. by showing it in manner that makes you crave an alternative.
and avoid to turn the violence into a consumable commodity. The mainstream tends to do that. it makes even the most despicable aspects of the world.
it's the manifestation of the spirit, there's a Latin word I can't think of. [ Animus & Anima ]. It's not coming to me.
the duty of art, of all forms of art, naturally, its to nurture this desire, which is the most beautiful thing on earth. 艺术的任务就是培育这种对阿尼玛灵魂的向往,是世上最美的东西。


i give myself a deadline. i tell myself, 'i must finish up to here.' i schedule my time, very disciplined. I must write at least two pages a day. and i don't leave my desk before finishing them. even if i throw it away the next day.
-there are no second chances. the camera are rolling. the only really big annoyance is the time crunch. every morning you are scare of what will happen. but the editing process in and of itself it's pure pleasure because that's when the film comes alive. that's when you see if your vision what you tried to create, works. there's no stress because you have time.
- an artisan, someone doing his job.
- sound editing, it really comes alive when you add sound. with the sound design, you can greatly improve things. even things that you botched, you can fix them with little sound effects. and if it all comes to life, its incredibly... i love it.

机遇编年史的71块碎片71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls(1994)

又名:机缘七十一面体 / 冰川三部曲之三:机遇编年史的71块碎片 / 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance


主演:卢卡斯·米科 / 奥托·格林曼德尔 / 安妮·贝南特 / 乌多·萨梅尔 / 布兰科·萨马罗夫斯基 / 克劳迪娅·马丁尼 / 格奥尔格·弗里德里希 / 亚历山大·普席尔 / 多萝特·哈廷格 / 帕特里夏·希尔施比希勒 / 塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 / 

导演:迈克尔·哈内克 / 编剧:Michael Haneke