Fakt 48 Fakts still exist even if they are ignored.
Fakt 116 Certain frogs can come back to life when thawed, humans do not.
Fakt 142 A cigarette is a substitute for your mothers nipple.
Fakt 586 Love does not conquer all.
Fakt 804 42% of the population can't remember their pin number.
Fakt 914 Alcohol can cause drunkenness and nudity.
Some are born great
Some achieve greatness
Some have greatness thrust upon them
...and then .... there are others...
世界呈现在我们面前的更多的是“名叫马切克,手大如铲并且头发有松针味儿的伐木工人 ”或是“名叫莉莉安娜,一个因在矿山工作而铅中毒的女人”。生命也许可以丑陋到让你作呕,但你起码可以做到陈述事实,然后继续走下去。甚至你可以脱掉衣服,走出去,坐在清晨的阳光里,微笑着,等着永远不会出现的公车。但请永远不要等待死亡。
Fakt 1034 Life is like a cigarette.Smoke it to the butt.