
又名:Tea-Horse Road Series: Delamu / 茶马古道-德拉姆



导演:田壮壮 / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 【德拉姆】【DVD原盘】【4 GB】
2019-05-12 门德尔松与勃拉姆斯《钢琴三重奏》
2019-05-10 茶马古道·德拉姆AVI



Plot Summary:Delamu ¨C Tibetan for "Peace Angel". Since ancient times, China's two primary land routes connecting it to the outside world have been the Silk Road in the north, and Tea Horse-Road in the south. The mountain village of Bingzhongluo-Tibetan for "Village of Tibetans" is located on the high plateau of western Yunnan Province, at the foot of Gaoligong Mountain. Traveling along the Nujiang River, one can reach the southern Tibetan border town of Chawalong-Tibetan for "Valley of Dry Heat." But with no roads connecting the two places, since ancient times the transport of all goods and supplies has relied entirely on horse caravans. The journey of more than 90 kilometers zigzags through high mountain slopes, dense forests, gorges and wastelands. Year-round caravans have plied the Tea-Horse Road, traversing the Hengduan Mountains, packing tea, salt, grains and other provisions. Traveling upstream along the Three Rivers, the route reaches Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India and Western Asia, ultimately linking to Europe. Traveling downstream along the Three Rivers, the route reaches Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. Created more than two thousand years ago, the Tea-Horse Road is the highest and most perilous of the world's ancient routes, and to this day still show vibrant signs of life. This film is a record of the Tea-Horse Road, the caravans of the Nujiang River Valley, and the aboriginal peoples who live there -- Mm. Ding who has a family with 15 members speaking 6 languages, a pastor who was jailed for 15 years for his believing, a 104 years old lady who walks through 3 centuries, a village head whose wife run away, a caravan who shares one wife with his elder brother, a young lama in the Buddhist temple who feels lonely sometimes, a 82 years old caravan leader whose story is a legend of the Tibetan caravans¡­
影片以马夫行走崎岖艰险的“茶马古道”为线索,娓娓道来沿途(重点位于云南、四川、西藏境内的横断山脉)居民的生活。不卑不亢的原著居民向观众幽幽讲述着,发生在这片广袤高远的天籁之地里的故事。没有旁白去解说,也没有夸张的煽情,一切都在固定镜头质朴的记录下悄然发生又默默结束,自然 而然。正如导演对影片的诠释一样:“居住在这里的民族,就像高原的山脉一样,不卑不亢,充满了传奇般的色彩,与自然和谐地并存—我们这些从外边来的人,只能仰视他们、欣赏他们、赞美他们—这里能给你一种力量,一份祥和及发自内心的喜悦,他们并不会因为你的赞美而改变自己。”   导演田壮壮荣获2004年中国电影华表奖优秀数字电影奖。


漫步山涧 • 那些遥远的


云游的猫 • 中国第一部高清数字电影

《茶马古道德拉姆》是田壮壮导演的第一部纪录片,也是中国第一部高清数字电影。     田壮壮对于这部

oyster • 敬畏德拉姆


木匠木 • 因为丙察察,所以德拉坶


[已注销] • 踏访茶马古道

2010.3.1. 2008年10月的时候,我独自一人背包去了怒江一带。之所以去那里,完全是受了田