故事发生在繁华的大都市东京,十四岁的少女阿绿(中村里砂 饰)失去了唯一的亲人,孤苦无依的她在误打误撞之中走进了名为“赤猫座”的巡回马戏团中,就此拉开了悲惨人生的序幕。无处可去的阿绿在马戏团中受尽了众人的凌辱和折磨,沦为奴隶和佣人,日子过得苦不堪言,每一天都是地狱般的写照 。 就在阿绿快要绝望之时,侏儒魔术师出现在了马戏团中,出现在了她的眼前。侏儒魔术师的出现让快要倒闭的马戏团重现生机,他亦成为了马戏团中最重要的成员。与此同时,阿绿在魔术师的身上找到了久违的温暖和感情,两人决定结婚,双双逃离这充满了痛苦的魔窟。"Midori - The Camellia Girl" is an adaptation of "Shojo Tsubaki", a masterpiece manga comic written by a popular cult cartoonist, Suehiro Maruo. His retrospective world that is depicted in erotic, grotesque and sometimes bizarre manner has captured enthusiastic fans around the world. Film director and clothes designer, TORICO fused the modern and fashionable world with the underground world in "Shojo Tsubaki" to create Maruo's unique, kitsch world.