曾相依为命的兄弟俩,在一场街头斗牛赛被篮球队教练发掘,人生就此改变。隔年,两人在HBL冠军赛重逢。曾经一无所有、相依为命的兄弟,一起踏上了梦想中的球场,却是敌对的两方。岁月的洗礼,让兄弟成长,却也失去了彼此。在争夺冠军的球场,为了队伍的胜利与荣誉,他们必须击败眼前的手足。最终关键时刻,两人终于理解,人生有比赢球更重要的事。在球场上失去的,必须在下半场,奋力找回来⋯⋯Born into the bottom rungs of society, two teenage brothers with nothing but each other hope to change their fate through their love of basketball. Little brother Tung-hao joins an elite school and transforms into a dazzling superstar; big brother Hsiu-yu ends up on a ragtag squad about to be disbanded, finding an unexpected new brotherhood in his never-say-die teammates. Eventually, the brothers cross paths on their way to ultimate basketball glory - the HBL championship - where they will discover that some things are more important than winning.