拉里(詹姆斯·贝鲁什 James Belushi 饰)人到中年却一事无成,既没有值得炫耀的工作,亦没有相伴终身的爱人。每天,拉里就这样在浑浑噩噩之中度过,看不到一丁点未来的希望。拉里将造成自己糟糕现状的原因归结到了少年时代的一场棒球赛上,拉里认为,如果他能够在比赛中获胜,自己的人生将完全会是另外一番景象。 某日,拉里遇见了一个神秘的男人(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰),在神秘人的帮助之下,拉里弥补了在球赛中的遗憾,并且因此改变了未来,过上了梦寐以求的生活。然而,随着时间的推移,激动之情渐渐淡去的拉里发现,他“完美”的新生活中依旧问题多多。Larry Burrows (Jim Belushi) is unhappy and feels powerless over his life. He believes his entire life could have turned out differently had he not missed that shot in a baseball game when was a kid. One night he meets this mysterious man named Mike (Michael Caine), who could change his fate by offering him that alternative life he always dreamed of. But as Burrows embarks on this journey of self discovery he realizes that even this new life has its problems and drawbacks..