本片是托马斯·墨菲特独立编剧的第一部作品。 住在洛杉矶颇有名气的心理医生亨利·卡特(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰),拥有众多需要帮助的高级病人,并且人数在逐渐增多,其中包括:已经过气的好莱坞女明星,滑稽的且有着严重强迫症迹象的经纪人,毫无安全感而言的畅销惊悚小说的作家等。与此同时,亨利还作为本地作为著名的心理专家而主持着一个最受欢迎的心理咨询的广播节目,对于他而言,仿佛全世界在这个特殊的时代里都存在严重的心理问题。然而,作为心理高手的他自己,也正遭遇着和很多人同样的麻烦。无论是包括私生活在内的家庭里,还是在公共社交以及与人交往中,总有些不如意的时候。身为心理医生的他却对于自己身上发生的悲剧毫无应对能力,只能沉溺于大麻的吸食中……In Hollywood, people in need revolve around Dr. Henry Carter, a shrink: Jack, an aging star wants permission to cheat on his wife; Shamus is a director who's a cokehead; Patrick is a high-powered germophobic producer; Jeremy is a young writer looking for a break; Jemma, a high-school student, is skipping school; and Kate is an actress facing her mid-30s. Henry's wife recently died; he's grieving, blaming himself, smoking lots of pot. Henry's friends try an intervention; someone steals a patient's file from Henry; Patrick's assistant, the pregnant Daisy, sees promise in Jeremy's work; and, Jesus, Henry's drug dealer, sells him some potent weed. Can anything good come of this?