某区的总体改造规划批准了,一条高速路将影响到“动物志”汽车库修建合作社正建的车库工地,为此合作社得减少5间车库。于是合作社管委会在开全体社员大会时当众宣布,根据这一情况,管委会不得不做出将某些人除名的决定,并请大家举手表决。少数被除名的即便心有不甘,也无法阻止大家进行表决。会议结束众人准备回家,这时才发现大家被锁在了会议室内,门上的钥匙被某个人拿走了……The members of a Soviet cooperative have pooled their money to have a badly needed parking garage built. But it turns out that the garage will have four fewer spaces than planned. In brutal Soviet style, the four least-well connected members are evicted from the cooperative in a mock vote, losing their entire investment. But one member, Malayeva, does the unthinkable. As if taking on the entire corrupt Soviet system, she quixotically locks down the meeting room and throws away the key. Chaos reigns through the night until the privileged are forced to negotiate for the first time in their lives. A madcap, rollicking, biting satire that Brezhnev banned.