鲜黄衣袂点缀马其顿偏乡的荒芜,与悬崖上野生蜂蜜琼浆的金黄相辉映。喀迪丝是欧洲大地最后一位女采蜂人,与抱病半盲母亲相依为命,依附野蜂为生,坚守「取一半、留一半」黄金定律。游牧民族一家突然欺至,打破宁静生活的不止是七个孩子与一众牲畜的喧闹,还有疯狂掏尽蜂蜜的贪婪,以及破坏生态环境的肆无忌惮。历时三年静观人与蜂和谐共处的隐世生活,以自然曦光与幽微烛照辉映大地,美得教人肃然起敬。获辛丹斯电影节世界纪录片评审团大奖。The last female beehunter in Europe must save the bees and return the natural balance in Honeyland, when a family of nomadic beekeepers invade her land and threaten her livelihood. This film which is filmed in Macedonia is an exploration of an observational Indigenous visual narrative that deeply impacts our behavior towards natural resources and the human condition.