故事发生在捷克共产主义倒台后不久,主人公Zyga是位二十出头的年轻人,试图出人头地却身不由己地走上了黑道。在边界的另一边,他看到德国人似乎拥有一切,Zyga将偷来的Adidas、Ray Bans分发给穷人们,成为一个罗宾汉式的人物,但事情渐渐开始失去控制。就像注定灭亡的麦克白,Zyga为他的自负以及背叛了的道德准则所累。YUMA is a gripping drama about the rise and fall of Zyga - a Polish kid in his early twenties, who wants to take charge of his life after the fall of communism, but in a time of chaos and moral anarchy, unwillingly becomes a gangster. When, after transformation to capitalism, poverty and humiliation rule on his side of the border, he crosses to the other side of the river, where the Germans seem to have it all, and literally reaches out for the symbols of a better life. Back home, handing out stolen Adidas and Ray Bans makes him a Robin Hood of his community. Before he realizes what is happening, money and power overtake his naive dreams of a better life and things spiral out of control. It seems Zyga is destined for the fate of Macbeth, a man doomed by ambition and a betrayed moral code...