堪萨斯州(霍珀饰)是一位特技协调员,负责在秘鲁一个小村庄拍摄西部影片中的马匹。在一个演员在特技表演中丧生的场景中发生了一场悲剧之后,堪萨斯州决定退出电影行业,与一名当地妇女留在秘鲁。堪萨斯人认为他已经找到了天堂,但很快就被召来帮忙处理一件奇怪的事情:秘鲁原住民用木棍做的“摄像机”“拍摄”他们自己的电影,并表演真实的西方电影暴力,因为他们不懂电影造假。这部电影触及了虚构与现实的对立,尤其是在电影方面。这部电影以一种挑战观众传统电影叙事理解的方式呈现,以非时间顺序的方式呈现故事,包括一些通常只在电影制作场景后才能看到的设备(粗略的编辑和“场景缺失”卡片),以及使用刺耳的跳跃剪辑。A film shoot in Peru goes badly wrong when an actor is killed in a stunt, and the unit wrangler, Kansas, decides to give up film-making and stay on in the village, shacking up with local prostitute Maria. But his dreams of an unspoiled existence are interrupted when the local priest asks him to help stop the villagers killing each other by re-enacting scenes from the film for real because they don't understand movie fakery...