十八岁的贾斯柏本来只为帮派老大做做闯空门、销赃货的小勾当,直到结识了应召站老板,转做马夫兼运售毒品,最后更拉亲弟弟一起入行。然而,旧帮派并不放过他,新帮派又逼他持枪复仇。当他领悟到一切都是无间道而亟欲逃脱之际,却发现弟弟早已习惯黑道的冷血阴狠与多金甜头,坚持不愿放手……简单的人物场景,目不暇给的凌厉节奏,不仅将传统黑帮题材融入亲情挣扎,更挥洒出导演的才华洋溢。18-year-old Caspar wants to reach the top, no matter what. He carries out small-time break-ins for Jamal, before moving on to work for big player Björn. All goes well, until Jamal's gang decide they want revenge. What starts with pushing and shoving soon escalates into armed conflict. This is a big test for Caspar: is he ruthless enough for this battle? And will he drag his younger brother into it?