威廉(Chris Leavins 饰)离开自己的家乡已经是年之久了,这一次,为了参加姐姐的婚礼,他回到了阔别已久的故土。曾经,年幼的威廉对自己充满了自卑,现如今,他早已脱胎换骨,成长为了壮硕而又英俊的青年。 刚刚回到家没多久,威廉就感受到了萦绕在这里的诡异气氛,姐姐的行为举止非常异常,而姐姐的未婚夫弗莱彻(Joel S. Keller 饰),竟然是威廉曾经青梅竹马的玩伴。威廉和弗莱彻之间的关系远不止如此,两人在懵懂的青春期里还发生过肉体上的关系,无奈这段感情被威廉的祖母撞破了,遂截然而知。当威廉再度面对自己过去的阴云时,会做出怎样的反应呢?William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family) haunted with his past. He had moved to the city and become a fit, well-adjusted gay man, but during his visit home, he becomes unhinged as the newly remembered reasons for his miserable adolescence come to life in each of their presents.